Madame Web Star Sydney Sweeney recently shared pictures and videos from her mother’s 60th birthday party on Instagram. Little did she know that this innocent gesture would land her in a soup. Turns out, that some of those pictures had controversial aspects to them. This drew a lot of attention and backlash on the internet; forcing Sweeney to address the situation on Twitter.
Photos From Sydney Sweeney’s Mother’s Birthday Party Create Controversy
Among the several photos that the star posted on her Instagram page, one featured an unidentified man wearing a blue lives matter flag shirt. The Blue Lives Matter slogan is a pro-law enforcement counter to the Black Lives Matter movement. This disturbed many fans who then took to the social media platform to voice their concerns. This wasn’t it, there was another photo posted by a relative of the Emmy-nominated actor of the same event which featured some people wearing “Make 60 Great Again” hats, which is a reference to Donald Trump’s election campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.”
Soon after, many fans began speculating about the political leanings and beliefs of Sydney Sweeney and her family.
Sydney Sweeney Responds to The Online Backlash
Responding to the situation, Sydney Sweeney tweeted:
“You guys this is wild. An innocent celebration for my moms milestone 60th birthday has turned into an absurd political statement, which was not the intention,” she tweeted in response to the criticism of her photos, which got her name trending on Twitter Saturday. “Please stop making assumptions.”
The star had previously tweeted in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. She had said: “[W]e need to do better. the hate in this world needs to end. #BlackLivesMatter,” Apparently, the star’s family is quite central to her life. In an earlier interview with the LA times, she had expressed love for her family:
“I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my dreams without her supporting that decision,” she said. “I was 12, 13 years old and my mom and dad gave up everything that they knew for me to be able to pursue my dreams. We lost friends, we lost our house, we lost everything in pursuit of it.”
Sweeney’s clarification seems to have cleared things up.