Premiered in 2016, Stranger Things has gone on to become one of the most anticipated series of the last decade. Starring Millie Bobby Brown and Charlie Heaton, as well as veteran actors David Harbour and Winona Ryder, the show is overflowing with outstanding talent.
Related: When will Stranger Things Season 5 release? Everything We Know So Far.
The show broke the common drama trope of not killing characters by sacrificing many characters every season. But the fans were still disappointed since the characters killed were never part of the core team.
Godly plot armor by Stranger Things creators
The main characters do have a knack for surviving fatal situations every Sunday, which has made the fans reluctant in connecting to any of the new characters. The showrunner also expressed their displeasure at ending many new character’s life too soon.
In an interview with TvLine, the showrunners commented on the death of Sean Astin’s character ‘Bob Newby’ from season two on the same, they stated:
“When we killed Bob in Season 2, I didn’t want to do that. We had fallen in love with both the character and Sean Astin…. and Sean didn’t want to die. Winona Ryder didn’t want him to die.”
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Fans onto the Pitchforks
The same displeasure from fans has erupted this season too. The showrunners teased in an interview with Variety that the main character might die, this placed all the fans on the edge of each episode. In the interview, Ross Duffer stated:
“I don’t really want to say, but I would be concerned about the characters going into volume two, for sure…… I hope that that is sort of the sense, because it is a darker season, and the kids are no longer kids. And there’s sort of an ominous feeling that things might not go well. Now, whether they do [die] or not, you’ll have to watch.”
Also read: Director Shawn Levy reacts to Fan Complaints after Major Deaths in Stranger Things 4 Vol 2 Finale
But despite all the hype, Chrissy Cunningham played by Grace Van Dien and Eddie Munson played by Joseph Quinn were a few of the characters to die, and both were introduced in season 4 alone.
Even though Max suffered fatal injuries, she still made it out alive, in a way. So in the end, none of the main characters died and the fans are not happy.
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The showrunners also confirmed in an interview with NME that season 5 will be the last for Stranger Things.