Lynda Carter, the iconic actress who first held the lasso of truth and became Wonder Woman has recently joined Tumblr. For the fans who spend a lot of their time on the app, it did not take them a second to hit the follow button and add her to their feeds, for those who were not on Tumblr went out of their way to make new accounts just so they could see the actress on it.
While Twitter has been a problematic platform to be on as of late, celebrities have been seen quitting the social media platform, many exiting it all together and making their way to Tumblr, choosing the chaotic website to share their views and thoughts on.
Lynda Carter Follows Ryan Reynolds Into Making A Tumblr Account
Lynda Carter acted in Wonder Woman the series from 1975 to 1979 as the titular character, becoming an icon in almost every household interested in superheroes. The actress recently joined Tumblr, much like Ryan Reynolds, both seemingly wanting to step away from the happenings of Twitter. Much like him, she too started off her account with a GIF set of her iconic character.
While Tumblr offers much lesser restrictions than any other website, it also offers a free space without much hate, especially compared to Twitter. Carter called upon a war with Reynolds, not letting him be alone on the platform, and keeping a check on the merc with a mouth. She has been very open about her dismay with Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and has since then chosen to opt for Tumblr to be more expressive with her fans.
Lynda Carter’s Amazement With Tumblr
Announcing her arrival on the website, Lynda Carter quite literally hopped onto Tumblr with a GIF of a comic book version of Wonder Woman turning into Carter’s portrayal of the character. She then went on to post more about how the artwork on the platform is mesmerizing, as well as trying to understand how to function the site as a whole.
She further admired all the memes and different photos of her, as well as submitted to the fans’ request of putting up a profile photo and letting go of the triangle avatar she had grown attached to. She has since then also reposted fan art of the roles and characters she has played.
Ryan Reynolds too posted a bit on his account, from memes to amusing GIF sets, and is making himself home on Tumblr.
Source: Twitter @RealLyndaCarter