Mindy Kaling, known for various quirky roles throughout her career recently voiced the character of Velma Dinkley in Velma. The animated series based on the characters of Scooby Doo featured Velma Dinkley as the main protagonist of the series. However, things didn’t exactly go as planned.
While getting trolled the series garnered a lot of negative reception while standing at a low rating of 1.4/10 on IMDB. On top of things, the series was renewed for a second season all the while fans noticed a dark joke that shouldn’t have been said.
Mindy Kaling’s Velma Made A Joke About Sickle Cell Anemia
The creators weren’t too late to make the joke on sickle cell anemia since the character of Fred uttered it in the first episode of the show. For those unversed, sickle cell anemia refers to the disease wherein the red blood cells turn into a sickle shape and die early. As serious as this disease sounds, the creators weren’t so concerned with the joke that Fred uttered in the first episode.
In Velma when Fred meets Velma for the first time, Fred states that he can’t remember what her name was. Giving it a nonchalant look Fred states that he can’t seem to remember people’s names all too well and calls it “sickle cell for rich people”.
“I have a disease where I can’t recognize people who aren’t hot,” he says. “My doctor says it’s basically sickle cell for rich people.” In response, Velma just plainly quips, “Is it called rudeness?”
The people took to Twitter to show the series that sickle cell anemia is not a thing to be made a joke of.
The joke did not seem to make the people laugh (as it shouldn’t) since the series was review-bombed for its lack of comedy. With no idea of the reason, but HBO Max decided to renew Velma for a second season much to the people’s disapproval.
Mindy Kaling Deletes Her Tweet After Velma Failure
During the initial promotion of the series, Mindy Kaling excitedly talked about the series on her Twitter account. With several initial tweets that promoted the series, Mindy Kaling soon took them down after the series was met with an extremely negative reaction.
Taking to her Twitter account, Mindy Kaling had initially bragged about the good ratings of the show that it initially garnered. A couple of days later when the show failed disastrously, the tweets were allegedly deleted. The infamous tweets are no longer visible on her Twitter profile. Although the series has been renewed for a second season, it is up to the creators and Mindy Kaling herself to redeem the series for the audience of the original cartoon.
Mindy Kaling’s Velma is currently available to stream on HBO Max.
Source: Bounding Into Comics