Netflix has ruled the world of online streaming platforms for a while now. And it has started the trend of bulk releasing seasons at once. This made the term binge-watch a trend and binge-watchers the cool lot. It also changed the viewing pattern has changed from the TV way to the bulk viewing. But with the emergence of other OTT platforms, there are some who have changed the pattern. Disney+ releases its shows’ episodes once a week. And this has started an unending debate about which pattern is better. The bulk release like Netflix and Amazon Prime of the once-a-week formula of Disney+.
The Netflix pattern vs. the Disney+ pattern
In the era of binge-watching, Disney+ has confused the viewers of streaming platforms. The online network has adopted the old TV method with its Star Wars and Marvel shows. But as we start talking to think about streaming platforms, we have long associated them with binge-watching. Or mostly watching at our own convenience. That is something the Disney pattern breaks. With each new episode, we have to wait for the next.
But on Netflix, we get the entire season at once and we can watch the entire stretch of episodes in a week. But binge-watching has its drawbacks as well, not just on the viewer but the streaming platform as well. As the popularity of a show, with an entire season coming out at once dissipates within a week. The most glaring example would be Stranger Things, which took over for a week but then disappeared from the trend.
Should Disney+ follow the Netflix pattern?
When you come to think of it, despite the Disney+ method being slow, it is beneficial to the network. With episodes coming out every week, the popularity of the show remains for a while. In fact, according to the data of February 2021, WandaVision, which was released in the same pattern, was the No. 1 most-viewed show on streaming services. It was quite consistent in its popularity throughout its 8 episode stretch.
Also, the binge-watching system also results in a lesser mindful watching system, as humans have a limited attention span. One by one and a slow dose of information ensures we stay updated with everything the makers tell us. Plus, this has also o become the new trend and offers a shift from the binge-watch method. It is better for the viewers and profitable for the platforms. Hence Disney+ should stick to their once in a week pattern.
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