In a bizarre turn of events, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has drawn the entire planet’s ire and surprise as the actor gets embroiled in a shocking $3 billion lawsuit. The pro-wrestler turned actor had until now held a spotless record for not only being an altruistic figure and celebrated personality but also a wildly famous businessman and one of the highest-paid actors in the world.
Now, however, The Rock gets to hold the record for perhaps the largest amount in a kidnapping lawsuit filed against any person to date. And the charges that have been made against him are ridiculously elaborate in nature.
Dwayne Johnson Gets Charged in a Kidnapping Lawsuit
It’s a rare collection of words when arranged in a certain way sounds definitely certifiable. Dwayne Johnson’s career arc from a broken, dejected, and penniless footballer to the biggest and most famous entertainer in the ring is a story that deserves its own unique song of success. But it is his decade-long journey on the Hollywood boulevard that truly outshines every other venture of his.
The formidable and crushing struggle that the celebrity has endured for 10 long and arduous years and the impossible expectations that he not only met with blazing success but also managed to supersede was what made Dwayne Johnson the one true and original People’s Champion. Now, however, the businessman/entrepreneur/actor has crushed the collective heart and hope of the fandom as he gets charged in a massive, jaw-dropping $3 billion kidnapping lawsuit by the former TNA wrestler, Trenesha Biggers.
Known as Rhaka Khan to the people familiar with the world within the ring, Biggers has alleged that Dwayne Johnson has been the mastermind behind an elaborate kidnapping plot targeting her and her children. She has also alleged that The Rock has orchestrated the criminal scheme with the aid of individual operators (including NBA legend Michael Jordan, Nikki Bella, Mark Jindrak, Mick Foley, etc.), government agencies (the FBI, the NYPD, the State of Texas, El Paso CPS, etc.) businesses (Home Depot, Con Edison, etc.), and other groups (Bank of America, several Universities, etc.).
Biggers’ recent lawsuit was filed in response to her listing as the Most Wanted Fugitive in El Paso and the charges of interfering with child custody and aggravated kidnapping filed against her in 2019.
Disney Drops Partnership With The Rock Following Lawsuit
The damning lawsuit that has the potential to leave The Rock penniless once more comes at a time when he couldn’t be more successful in one of the largest economically successful industries of all time. And the fans, shocked in the aftermath of the news, know it too.
Even more damning is the case of Disney dropping all ties with the actor in the immediate follow-up to the charges filed against him. With the actor set to lead the live-action Moana project for the company, it now looks as though the sea may be a long way off for The Rock and his Maui alter ego for a long time to come.
Moreover, Disney’s plans to revive the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise with Dwayne Johnson in the lead have been stranded at sea as well. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer’s high hopes regarding the franchise seem to have suffered a final blow with the announcement although he is yet to give up all hopes for seeing one final hurrah for the Pirates, even if it means securing Johnny Depp himself for one last film in the franchise.
Depp, who won the defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard in 2022, has decidedly refused to return to the Disney IP following his eviction and it would be even more of a shocker to see him donning the swashbuckling garb of Captain Jack Sparrow in the years to come.
Source: Twitter