The Sandman is an upcoming series created by Neil Gaiman which introduces us to the creator of dreams. Along with the Sandman, we will also be introduced to characters such as John Constantine or a female iteration of the character, Johanna Constantine. The actress that portrays the character is Jenna Coleman and here’s what she had to say about her role.
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Who is Johanna Constantine for Jenna Coleman?
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“She’s an Exorcist for the Royal Family,” said the 36-year-old actress in her statement. It was the character of John Constantine that introduced himself in the Arrowverse in an episode titled “Constantine” in the NBC series Arrow.
Fans will be confused to know that the actress is playing Johanna Constantine, who is the 18-19th century ancestor of the current John Constantine but will also play a female Johanna Constantine in the current timeline of the show. Neil Gaiman later explained that the decision to portray a female Johanna Constantine was based on practical reasons for inclusion.
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Jenna Coleman clarifies the confusion about Johanna
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Speaking to Screenrant, the actress had this to say about her character in the interview:
“Allan Heinberg was very keen on this is Johanna Constantine upgraded. This is now Johanna Constantine who is an exorcist to the royal family. She’s earning money, she’s doing well for herself. She’s at the top of her game. But in terms of essence, roguish, dry cynic, but really this kind of wounded lone warrior. The essence is very much there. We’re just meeting her at a different time.”
Allan Heinberg is the showrunner of the series and it seems he is heavily focused on the similarities between John and Johanna Constantine to be different and yet essentially be the same. Although Marvel is currently facing some backlash for an alleged gender-bent showing of Union Jack in the upcoming Secret Wars, several fans of Gaiman also have their doubts regarding the genderswapping of their favorite character.
Source: Screenrant