Avatar: The Way of Water, the long-awaited sequel to Academy Award-winning filmmaker James Cameron’s visionary film Avatar, returns fans to the stunning planet of Pandora. The ambitious production of Avatar required technologies that would go on to change a variety of filmmaking processes, including performance capture. Thirteen years later, The Way of Water promises to transport us to new depths, swapping the lush forest of the Omaticaya tribe for the enormous underwater realm of the Metkayina.
It is clear that Way of Water is not the last of Avatar, James Cameron had made it clear that there will be three more films. The first one dealt with air, the second one paddled with water, and the third one will explore the Ash people.
Oona Chaplin will star as the Villain in Avatar 3
Oona Chaplin will portray the villain in Avatar 3, which implies that for the first time, we will witness Na’vi fighting Na’vi. Oona Chaplin has officially been confirmed to portray Varang, the leader of the Ash People, as “an aggressive, volcanic race” of Na’vi.
Fans react to this news on Twitter hailing the director for his impeccable casting choice.
Chaplin is best known for her part in Game of Thrones as Talisa Maegyr, a healer from Volantis who accompanies Robb Stark (Richard Madden) and his army in the series before falling in love with the King in the North and eventually marrying him – before meeting a horrible end. When she was cast four years ago, she described the franchise as “trojan-horse cinema,” or old-fashioned filmmaking and narrative masquerading as a blockbuster movie.
James Cameron reveals the lowest moment in 13 years of filming Avatar: The Way of Water
During an interview with Collider, the director opens up about some of the challenges he faced during the filming of Avatar’s sequel. The interviewer asked Cameron about the lowest point where he almost gave up on everything. How did Cameron continue through that tough time and what helped him? To this James Cameron replied,
“That’s a really interesting question. We did all our performance capture — we started in September of ’17, we did performance capture for a year and a half, then we did over a year of live-action photography. I think the lowest point was when we all got locked down, the whole world got locked down. Everything was up for grabs. All of our priorities suddenly didn’t mean what we thought they meant, and recovering and coming out of that and getting back into production, and then working for a subsequent couple of years on a film that might not have theaters to play in, you know?”
He continued,
” And then slowly seeing the industry around me recovering as I’m finishing the film, and then building up optimism and confidence that there will be theaters to play the film in. And I think, had we come out any earlier, there would’ve been no hope for profitability. Right now we’re a bit on the cusp, right? Because we haven’t come fully back yet. We’re at about 80%. So well, what the heck? We just have to be better! We just have to be a better movie!”
The filmmaker also talks about why laying out the franchise is vital, and what he’d look for in a new director if he were to hand over the Avatar franchise, he said that a director who “goes nuts,” with the films but in a good way! There are plans of producing Avatar 4 and Avatar 5 as well. Producer Jon Landau has been dropping details about the upcoming movies, especially after the massive success of Avatar: The Way of Water.
Source: Twitter