The 83-year-old actor Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah made their relationship public with an Instagram post earlier this year. However, the couple became a hot sensation recently after it was revealed that the two are expecting a child together, and Alfallah is eight months pregnant with their first and Pacino’s fourth child. The Scarface actor and the producer were first linked after they were spotted leaving a restaurant in California.
However, Page Six has reported that the two have been seeing each other since the 2020 pandemic breakout. While both of them have been involved in relationships with a notable age gap, the news has started a discussion among fans about their relationship, leading Alfallah’s friend to come out and defend her.
Noor Alfallah’s Friend Comes Forward in Her Defense
Before Al Pacino, Noor Alfallah has also been linked with Mick Jagger and Nicholas Berggruen, who are very prominent in their respective fields. As the news broke out about her pregnancy with her and Pacino’s first baby, many started bringing out her past relationship and called Alfallah a “gold-digger.”
However, sources have claimed that she is not interested in her partner’s money as she’s “a very decent, good person” and has family money from her father, who reportedly is an oil investor. People close to her also shared that she is an old soul with “a spirit that is very youthful.”
“A guy in his 70s or 80s would feel young around her. She has a generosity of spirit,” sources said in her defense. One of her friends described her as a positive person, saying that she is “not an opportunist.” Her friend said that she just loves old people and is fascinated by them.
They also claimed that she got very close to Brett Ratner’s grandmother and was also there for her when she needed cataract surgery. However, the defense seemed to have backfired as people on the internet took the opportunity to troll the Oscar winner’s new girlfriend.
Netizens Troll Al Pacino’s Girlfriend Noor Alfallah
As Noor Alfallah’s friends defended her, saying that she’s not a gold digger, the statements do not seem helpful for her. People took to the internet to troll her, saying that they also love old people who happen to be rich at the same time.
Others also stated that being fascinated by old people or saying that she loves them does not prove that she is not a gold digger. While some also defended her, saying that she comes from a wealthy family and does not get involved with prominent elderly men for money. However, according to Page Six, her father pleaded guilty to tax evasion in 2017 and filed for bankruptcy last year.
Source: Twitter