Michelle Rodriguez, best known for playing Letty Ortiz in the Fast & Furious franchise, is garnering praise for her powerful comeback in Fast X. But at the same time, the actress has also come under fire as Marvel fans continue to rage over her thoughts about the MCU franchise. Some, on the other hand, are extending their favor toward her dislike for the longevity of the said franchise.
Marvel Fans Think Michelle Rodriguez Can’t Bag MCU
Michelle Rodriguez has shared some strong opinions over Marvel movies. The actress, who has been associated with some of the biggest franchises like Resident Evil and Fast & Furious expressed that she’s “getting tired of all these Marvel movies.”
On this, one fan tweeted, “Look, she ain’t wrong, but if you don’t like the Marvel movies then just don’t watch. Let people enjoy what they want.” The fan pointed out that Marvel has 32 movies, but Fast & Furious can’t reach that number even if they wanted to.
One fan trolled her for her inability to get into the MCU franchise, presuming, “She’s hating from outside of the club bc she can’t get in. Marvel probably rejected her at some point lmao.” Some trolled the Fast & Furious franchise for being unworthy after the second and third installations. Here are some of the tweets:
The Fast & Furious franchise has made over $6.6 billion, and the number continues to go up with the release of Fast X – the 10th installment has already made over $318 million (at the time of writing) since its release on May, 19.
Fast & Furious Could Have & Should Have Ended
Michelle Rodriguez’s comments over Marvel IGNITED the debate over Marvel Vs. Fast & Furious films continue to take place, and some fans think that comparing the two franchises doesn’t make sense. One expressed that the Fast & Furious franchise amassed 10 movies in 22 years but Marvel did four in one year, “even the biggest toyboys will they’re low quality.”
Another fan made a logical argument, declaring, “Marvel has 70+ years of comic books to pull material from.” One explained that Marvel films are born on 100 years worth of source material and thousands of comic books to choose from.
Despite that, the Marvel franchise managed to do it without telling the same story again and again. He added, “Definitely more interesting than family driving cars in outer space.” One critic claimed that the “Fast & Furious” franchise “could have and should have ended, it was a movie about racing, how and why do they end up in space.”
Recently, fans trolled Gal Gadot’s cameo in Fast X after Michelle Rodriguez expressed her awe over surprise cameos in the new entry in the long-running Fast & Furious franchise. Many had problems with Gisele coming back from the dead. Well, it was Gal Gadot’s involvement in a non-superhero franchise that bothered them.
Fast X was out in theatres on May 19, 2023.
Source: Twitter