The Marvel Cinematic Universe has unraveled its major cards with one project being Avengers: Secret Wars in 2027. This project continues to excite the fans given that new details and revelations continue to create hype however not every attention is positive. Given that the franchise has garnered mixed reviews regarding the projects that have been released till now, haters are quick on their feet to criticize the anticipated movie.
Avengers: Secret Wars Gets Negative Attention!
The negative influence even reached the 2026 project, Avengers: Secret Wars with haters claiming that the new film would end up like the projects that were unable to meet fans’ expectations despite the immense hype the franchise created before the films’ releases.
Though this is not entirely wrong, it’s still quite early to speculate its capability. Fans quickly chimed in to showcase their trust in the franchise and the new project which can become a major highlight.
MCU Fans Have High Hopes for Avengers: Secret Wars
It’s arguably true that the franchise has highly disappointed the audience with their recent projects but fans are ready to respond to haters by sharing their enthusiasm and high expectations for this project. Check out the tweet below.
Phase 4’s ending was not the best but it somehow maintained fans’ interest with exciting teasers for the new project especially the highly anticipated Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania which was kicking off the new phase. But, we all know by now that it highly disappointed many. As for now, fans are looking forward to the new project, The Marvels which is featuring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau, and Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in the lead roles.
The Marvels is set to release in the United States on November 10, 2023 meanwhile Avengers: Secret Wars is scheduled to be released on May 7, 2027.
Source: Twitter