Samurai Jack is a cartoon series that was widely loved. The series, inspired by Kung Fu, aired on Cartoon Network from 2001 to 2004. The cartoon show was brought back in 2017, just because the fans couldn’t get enough. The season 5 finale provided a proper end to Jack’s story. Created by Genndy Tartakovshy, Jack is a samurai from Japan who wields a katana that has the mystic ability to cut almost everything. Samurai Jack has been one of the favorite cartoons of the millennials. The series was not the just love of fans but also critics. And has won eight Primetime Emmy Awards. Here are the five most common reasons why millennials still love Samurai Jack.
1. The Animation of the Series
One of the main reasons Samurai Jack was so loved was because of its aesthetic animation. The show created beautiful sceneries and fluid action sequences so well. The movement in the show is so well animated that you end up forgetting it was animated. The frames are well balanced and created keeping in mind a lot of the details. And Samurai Jack never changed its animation style too.
2. The Action Sequences
The genre of the series was action. And so the series is full of fight sequences between the protagonist and his enemies. Though the show never loses its humor, the action we get to see is also equally amazing. The fight sequences are so well animated that one enjoys watching them. Millennials still remember the show and love it because the quality of fight sequences never changed
3. The Humor of the Show
Samurai Jack, though was an action story, it had excellent humor. While the fight scenes brought the fans on the edge, the humor had them laughing hard. It was also a relief from the dark and gritty setting of the show. Though the humor is not obvious if you are watching it with great attention you might catch some witty remarks being made here and there.
4. The Antagonists in the Show
Most shows love to focus on making their protagonist amazing and likable. And this show did too. Jack is a great character. But the show also has a number of villains that the fans absolutely love. And the most loved was the main antagonist, Aku. The rivalry between Jack and Aku was what added to the fun of the show. And killing Aku was the ultimate goal of our favorite samurai.
5. The Consistency of the Show
The show, Samurai Jack was loved for a plethora of reasons, but the major reason it is still loved is that it stayed consistent. The show never let go of its theme, and stuck to it. Never once, even in the later released season 5, was the theme any different. The show focused on character development and it grows with the character but still stays real to the theme.
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