Sam Raimi is a well-known American filmmaker who is known for delivering the superhit Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire and the horror series named Evil Dead. Evil Dead is a horror series starring Bruce Campbell as the lead character. The series consists of three original films, one standalone movie, and one television series. Raimi has written and directed the first installment of the series released back in 1981 was highly appreciated by the audience. He has now given some latest updates on the potential comeback of the series which will continue the original trilogy.
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead Series
The Evil Dead series follows the story of Ashley “Ash” Williams and his encounter with flesh-possessing demons. The horror series debuted with its first installment in 1981 with a movie titled The Evil Dead. The story grabbed the attention of the public and soon became a fan-favorite cult classic movie. After completing the original trilogy, a standalone movie based on Raimi’s Evil Dead was released in 2013. To keep the legacy of Evil Dead alive, Raimi decided to make a TV series that aired between 2015 and 2018.
Sam Raimi decided to work on a standalone production to continue the story as he failed to bring back the complete fourth installment in continuation with the original trilogy. The superhit cult duo came back in 2015 to deliver the TV series titled Ash vs Evil Dead. Now the hit filmmaker looks forward to connecting the original trilogy with the recent standalone. Raimi hinted at his vision of the fourth installment of the original Evil Dead series.
“That character, Mia, was great, so I was very interested. We had been talking about an ‘Evil Dead IV’ for the other branch of that universe, and we were worried a little bit about a collision. Ash Vs Evil Dead is what that morphed into. But I always thought there was room for both. I still think there’s room for all sorts of Evil Dead movies. I don’t think they cancel each other out.”
Also Read: “It’s dark, a very adult Evil Dead movie”: Bruce Campbell Talks Next Movie After Doctor Strange 2
Sam Raimi Loves Working With Bruce Campbell
Sam Raimi added that he loved working with Bruce Campbell in the past and looks forward to working with him in the future. Raimi continues to hint at the possibility of a continuation of the main Evil Dead series.
“I love working with Bruce and Rob. I love it as a producer because they’re really good partners, but I also like being supported by them as the director. So I hope that is on the cards eventually.”
Also Read: Evil Dead 4 Title & Director Revealed
Raimi definitely raised the hopes of fans who are eagerly looking forward to the new installment of the original trilogy series. It is still unclear though if the fourth installment of the Evil Dead series will even happen. But it appears like Raimi is in full mood to continue the series. Another standalone movie based on the Evil Dead series titled, Evil Dead Rise will soon be released on April 21, 2023.
Source: Empire