Actress Salma Hayek has a notorious reputation among friends for her over-the-top practical jokes and outrageous pranks. But her latest mischievous scheme aimed at longtime stylist and close confidante Miguel Cardenas went horribly awry when he had an unexpected bathroom emergency. Thinking she was simply having harmless fun turning out the lights while he used the facilities, Hayek was completely oblivious to Cardenas’ dire situation. The ill-timed prank left him stranded in total darkness and serious distress, angry and embarrassed at her ignorant stunt. Though the pair remain steadfast friends, Hayek learned a difficult but valuable lesson about considering prank consequences to avoid creating a disgusting mess for friends. Her friend’s disturbing emergency was an eye-opening experience in taking prank preparedness seriously.
Pranking Her Dear Friend
Hayek and Cardenas have been extremely close pals for years, often subjecting each other to practical jokes and good-natured pranks. “We’re always trying to one up each other with funny pranks,” Hayek said recently on The Ellen Show. So when Cardenas paid a visit to Hayek’s home and briefly used her personal bathroom, the mischievous actress saw a perfect opportunity for her latest joke at his expense.
While he was using the facilities, Hayek stealthily snuck into the bathroom and completely turned off the lights, leaving Cardenas trapped in sudden darkness. “I thought it would be really funny to hear him panic with no lights or toilet paper,” – The Ellen Show. Hayek explained later, stifling giggles. But the seemingly harmless prank was extremely poorly timed and planned, unbeknownst to the clueless actress at that moment.
An Unexpected Emergency
What Salma Hayek didn’t realize or consider was Cardenas had been battling an intense and painful stomach flu all day. So her cutting the lights in the bathroom instantly sent him into true panic and distress. “It was an emergency situation!” Cardenas emphasized later. “All I could think was ‘Get out of here, Salma! This is serious!’”- The Ellen Show
But his desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as the oblivious Hayek had already dashed out, leaving him stranded and disoriented in the pitch-black room. To make matters worse, Cardenas then discovered there was no toilet paper either, thanks to Hayek’s thoughtless prank.
A Costly Mishap
The prank gone terribly wrong left Cardenas filled with anger and humiliation for days afterward. “Not only was it extremely uncomfortable being stuck in there, but her bathroom was a huge mess afterward that I had to clean up myself!” he explained later.
To make amends, Hayek paid to have her unlucky friend’s soiled outfit professionally cleaned multiple times. But the sizeable wardrobe bill was minimal compared to Cardenas’ intense embarrassment and disgust over the incident. “I made his life hell for 10 traumatic minutes,”- The Ellen Show Hayek admitted afterward, filled with remorse. But despite the mishap, she is already plotting her next practical joke on him, albeit with more caution after this disturbing trauma.
While celebrity friendships often involve outrageous and over-the-top pranks all in good fun, Salma Hayek’s latest joke very clearly backfired on her sick friend. Caught off guard during an emergency bowel situation, Miguel Cardenas was the helpless victim of Hayek’s thoughtless bathroom scheme. The scarring ordeal left Hayek deeply remorseful and apologetic, while Cardenas remained privately angry and steaming for weeks, though the stylish pair remains steadfast friends. Still, Hayek learned some difficult but valuable lessons about considering prank consequences in the future to avoid creating disgusting and traumatic messes for her loved ones. Her friend’s disturbing emergency was an eye-opening experience in taking prank preparedness very seriously from now on.
Source: The Ellen Show