More immense risks can equal more significant rewards. However, some movies dared to challenge the status quo, wowed audiences, and proved all naysayers wrong. As a result, most Hollywood movies have an exceptionally ambitious Concept. Additionally ideas are often unorthodox, and that’s the thing about Hollywood movies’ success. These choices often make it difficult or sometimes impossible to predict the outcome of the film. Here is a list of 10 such movies that had Ridiculous Concepts Nobody Thought Would Work, But they did.
1. Taika Waititi destroys Hitler with Jokes in Jojo Rabbit.
During World War 2, a ten-year-old Nazi boy finds a young Jewish girl hiding in his attic. A lavish version of Adolf Hitler advises him on how to deal with the unexpected visitor. The movie is full of Laughter and emotional moments. Also, many moviegoers hail Jojo Rabbit as one of the best movies of 2019.
2. ‘Zombie sheep’ – How does this concept sound to you?
Black Sheep is a 2006 New Zealand film that quickly earned worldwide popularity. The film’s extreme violence and grotesque gore satisfied even the most ardent horror fans.
3. There is no doubt that the producers were right when they produced ‘Swiss Army Man.’
Hank, played by Paul Dano, eventually becomes friends with the dead body. The two go on an adventure together. But, unfortunately, Daniel Radcliffe, famous for his role as Harry Potter, is just a dead body in this movie.
4. A silent movie, ‘The Artist,’ silenced the doubters.
While it may sound strange to think of The Artist as a silent movie by itself, it was released a generation after the silent era ended. Even though the critics initially dismissed making this film, The Artist was a roaring success.
5. The Unexpected Was Delivered From Schwarzenegger In The movie ‘Junior.’
In the name of scientific research, Schwarzenegger becomes pregnant. Despite this ridiculous idea being against the law of nature, this hilarious concept worked. Schwarzenegger received a Golden Globe nomination for his performance, and critics gave it two thumbs up.
6. The Movie ‘Being John Malkovich’ Offers A Ridiculously Different View Of Movie Star John Malkovich.
Played by John Cusack, Being John Malkovich tells the story of an aspiring puppeteer who finds a way to get inside the mind of none other than the legendary actor himself. It was nominated for and won many awards.
7. ‘Four Lions’ bravely debunks religious fanaticism and extremism.
The script is brilliant, and its leading actors are all able to deliver performances. But, unfortunately, due to their acting and the comedy, the audiences think they’ve forgotten the upsetting subject matter.
8. This mesmerizing movie depicts how modern Germany would react to the return of Adolf Hitler.
Oliver Masucci’s portrayal of Adolf in Look Who’s Back was masterful, as was his hilarious character depiction. In recognition of the role, the actor received a national film award nomination.
9. In terms of classic ’90s action movies, Face/Off checks all the boxes.
This movie is a delight to watch with over-the-top style shooting scenes and excellent stunt-work. The film star Cage portrayed a maniac, only to change roles and personalities with FBI agent Sean Archer. Due to the immense talent of all involved, the ridiculous premise works.
10. In the movie ‘Ted,’ a man whose unlikely wish of life for his teddy bear friend comes true.
This film is about the importance of brotherhood against romance. The film has a heartwarming friendship story and is a hilarious comedy. The movie was a box office hit.
So this was our list of Movies that had Ridiculous Concepts but still were a hit. Let us know in the comment section which one of these movies is your favorite.
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