Sadly, Ray Stevenson, who created iconic characters like Volstagg in Marvel’s Thor series, passed suddenly on Sunday in Italy at the age of 58. The actor most recently played the main antagonist in the Oscar-winning Indian epic film RRR. His representatives at Independent Talent confirmed the news but did not disclose any other information regarding the reason for his passing, according to Deadline.
With his iconic performances in History’s Vikings, The Theory of Flight, The Book of Eli, Adam McKay’s The Other Guys, and The Clone Wars from the Star Wars saga, Ray Stevenson left behind a significant legacy. He received many awards and medals for his substantial efforts in the field.
Read more: Marvel Star Ray Stevenson, Known for Playing Volstagg in Thor Movies, Passes Away at 58
What was Ray Stevenson’s Net Worth?
Stevenson had an estimated net worth of $8 million, claims Celebrity Net Worth. The British actor, who was born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, made his screen debut in 1993 with a minor TV role in A Woman’s Guide to Adultery. After two years, he was cast in a recurring role on Band of Gold.
He played Dagonet, one of the Knights of the Round Table, in Antoine Fuqua’s 2004 action epic King Arthur, which gave him his first significant cinematic role. His performances in Punisher: War Zone, Thor, and RRR are what made him most famous. He was cast as the lead character, Frank Castle, the titular mercenary, in Marvel’s Punisher: War Zone, which debuted in 2008.
He makes a second cameo in Marvel’s blockbuster superhero movie Thor. He portrayed the Asgardian hero Volstagg, one of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor’s Warriors Three.
Stevenson appeared in the first three Thor films where he was paid $1 Million for his role. In addition, he played the antagonist Governor Scott Buxton in the Oscar-nominated Tollywood film RRR. The actor ended up getting paid $2 Million, double his Marvel fee.
Read more : Chris Hemsworth’s Co-star in Thor, Ray Stevenson’s Cause of Death is Still a Mystery
Ray Stevenson’s early life
On May 25, 1964, Ray Stevenson was born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. When he was eight years old, his family relocated to Lemington, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England. He later moved to Cramlington, Northumberland, where he was raised. The second of three children born to an Irish mother and a pilot from the Royal Air Force, He once had the desire of becoming an actor, but he also believed that dream to be unattainable.
He then chose to focus on his second passion art by enrolling in an art school. At the age of 25, he decided to try acting while working as an interior designer for an architectural business in London. Later, he enrolled at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, where he eventually earned his degree at age 29.
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Ray Stevenson’s personal life
From 1997 to 2005, Ray was wed to English actress Ruth Gemmell. In the television series Bridgerton, Gemmell played the part of Lady Violet Bridgerton. They allegedly first connected while filming the British crime drama Band of Gold in 1995, and they were married in London two years later.
However, after their formal split in 2005, he started dating Italian archaeologist Elisabetta Caraccia. Despite never being married, the couple had been together since 2006, making their relationship almost two decades long. At the time of his death, Ray Stevenson was known to have three children – Sebastiano Derek Stevenson, Leonardo George Stevenson, and Lodovico Stevenson.
Source: Net Worth Club