Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated television series on Nickelodeon. It features various avatars’ arc, out of which is Avatar Aang. He is a little monk of the Air Nomads’ Southern Air Temple and the series’ protagonist. So, here are Pro-Aang 21 Posts that made us regret ignoring his character arc.
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1. People seem to love the Avatar’s role as they notice him acknowledging and respecting each culture as he greets them based on their culture or nation.
2. Although Aang prefers to avoid and elude fights, he can be destructive.
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3. Aang was a survivor of genocide; hence he tried to convince Katara not to murder people in cold blood. But, later, he understood Katara’s anger.
4. Besides saving the world, Avatar Aang was crying, wearing flower crowns, talking about feelings, and trying to be friends with hormonal Zuko to break the Toxic Masculinity.
5. Aang’s arc should be everyone’s ideal arc in real life. He has taught us to be kind, loving, accepting, and never abandon the good core we were raised with.
6. Writers of the show Avatar talk about the Southern Riders episode and Aang’s impact on the show and Katara’s actions.
7. The Phoenix metaphor in the fight was sure as hell, not Ozai. However, Aang was the character who rose out of the ashes of tragedy to be bright and beautiful and saved the world.
8. Katar’s perspective towards Aang seems to completely change as she sees him grow up into a man from a little goofy kid.
9. The character of Aang is liked by everyone as he respects people irrespective of their orientation; as well as he wants to normalize men crying.
10. Aang was the popular, charming kid while Zuko was the cool bad boy.
11. Aang shows respect for Zuko by doing a bow when he accepted him as his firebending teacher.
12. Zuko was let go and forgiven by Aang.
13. Aang was popular and friendly amongst everyone.
14. Netflix had a descriptive term for all the main characters with Aang named as Air Nomad Asian.
15. Aang chose to do right by his people by winning the war without compromising his values, wearing his tattoos and traditional Air Nomad robes proudly.
16. The audience felt the story culminating as they experience the romance being all about Aang and Katara.
17. Aang’s character is shown to be both childish and wise as he trusts himself and shows an immense amount of self-confidence at the same time.
18. Aang versus Zuko’s arc as they have turned out to be completely the opposites of each other.
19. After 50 episodes, Aang taught Zuko about the consequences of his actions, harshly.
20. This post of Pro-Aang seems to be at peace after he has let go of the things he can’t change and embrace the new world.
21. Pro-Aang lets his anger out on the anniversary of the genocide of his people.