The ninth installment in The Conjuring Universe, The Nun II, was released on September 8, 2023. The film directed by Michael Chaves has received mixed reviews from critics but its box office performance is commendable, collecting $32 million in its opening weekend. The direct sequel to the 2018 movie, The Nun, saw the return of actors Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet, and Bonnie Aarons.
The film picks up from its prequel as Sister Irene, played by Farmiga, has to once again encounter the evil nun Valak, played by Aarons. The film took a gorier approach than its predecessors and the director has a reason for it.
Michael Chaves Was Forced To Include Gorier Scenes In The Nun II
Valak, the Demon Nun, was first introduced in The Conjuring 2, and the character returned to scare the audience in The Nun and The Nun II. The first installment in The Conjuring Universe was marketed as a non-gory supernatural horror movie. However, as the franchise progressed, the movies returned to the gore element. According to Michael Chaves, the evolving nature of audience preferences was key to making the movie.
Chaves revealed that he had made a supernatural movie that was gorier than the usual Conjuring style. However, after a test screening, the audience felt that the violence was not sufficient in the movie. As per the audience’s demand, the director added more gory footage to the movie. Chaves told EW:
“There was already a good degree of violence and gore in the movie, but people wanted more of it. So, we did a little bit of additional photography and we ramped that up. It just goes to show how audiences are always changing, evolving. Even in the earliest version, it was more [violent] than what was in your traditional Conjuring movie.”
The wider audience also seemed to agree with the test audience, as the R-rated movie was well-received in the theatres. The movie is the latest among the list of horror movies that have returned to the slasher/gore category after a decline in the 2000s.
Also Read: The Nun 2: Does The Conjuring Spin-Off Have a Post-Credits Scene?
The Gore Element Does Make The Nun II Scarier Than Its Predecessors
The critical consensus for the movie on Rotten Tomatoes suggests that The Nun II was “scarier than its predecessors”. Several other reviewers also cited the violent mayhem as a positive factor for the movie. Though the writing and some of the regular horror movie stereotypes irked the critics, the gore seemed to have worked for them too.
Earlier, The Nun sequel saw a change in director and writer, after Michael Chaves and Akela Cooper replaced Corin Hardy and Gary Dauberman in their respective roles. Chaves was associated with the franchise since directing the critically panned yet successful The Curse of La Llorona and the third sequel to The Conjuring.
Chaves has also hinted at the possibility of further Nun movies. The supposed sequels will most probably explore the ‘50s to ‘60s timeline in the universe. Fans of The Conjuring universe can catch The Nun II, now playing in theaters.
Source: EW