Shanks is one of the key characters in the vast world of One Piece. This series, written by Eiichiro Oda, revolves around our main protagonist Luffy, who aspires to be pirate king one day and is accompanied by many companions, one of which is Shanks, a fan-favorite character.
However, a One Piece chapter revealed how Shanks might have already known about one of the biggest reveals in the history of the series yet.
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Shanks Knew About The Reality Of Gomu Gomu No Mi Fruit
It came as a huge shock to everyone when it was revealed that the paramecia-type devil fruit that Luffy consumed to gain his powers, was, in reality, something else. The fruit is originally called Hito Hito No Mi, Model: Nika, a fruit that gives its users the power to manipulate their body as well as their environment like rubber to their advantage.
This fruit is feared by none other than the World Government, who kept the truth about the fruit hidden for years to come before it was finally stolen by the Red Hair pirates.
Shanks Intentionally Let Luffy Eat The Devil Fruit
Chapter 1054 reveals the time Red Hair Pirates chose to attack the World Government ship which was transporting the infamous Devil Fruit at the time. Despite knowing the ship was hoarded with powerful enemies from CP9, Shanks still chose to attack the ship, which left even the opponents confused as the ship only contained a “minor devil fruit” that “just makes you rubbery“.
This is something that has confirmed many fan suspicions who thought that Shanks wanted Luffy to eat the Gomu Gomu no Mi devil fruit intentionally, for which he even willingly lost an arm while protecting Luffy from a sea monster in the very first chapter.
Many of the fans have been left heartbroken considering the fact that Shanks knew about the powers of the devil fruit already, and intentionally let Luffy eat it in order to fulfill some kind of destiny. Something which he was ready to even sacrifice an arm for.
Source: ScreenRant