The Japanese manga series One Piece was created by Eiichiro Oda. Since July 1997, it has been serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. The plot centers on the exploits of Monkey D. Luffy, a teenage pirate who sets out to retrieve One Piece—the loot that the late King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger.
But to claim One Piece and become the King of Pirates is not an easy task in any way as many powerful forces are already in the field seeking the treasure. Luffy, the protagonist of the show will have to fight his way through millions of obstacles to realize his dream. And currently, after his Gear 5 activation, and his brawl with Kaido, he will become the target of many, if he manages to win against Kaido.
Also read: 5 Unsolved One Piece Mysteries That Annoy Anime Fans
7 Fights Monkey D. Luffy Must Win to Achieve the One Piece
1. Luffy vs Saint Imu
One of the most eagerly awaited bouts in One Piece is the one between Luffy and Imu. Imu, the enigmatic head of the World Government, is acknowledged as the most powerful individual on earth. The potential future Pirate King Luffy, on the other hand, is committed to releasing the world from the oppression of the World Government. Imu is reputed to possess enormous power, but Luffy has also progressed remarkably over the series.
Luffy has beaten formidable foes like Kaido (in the manga) and Katakuri, and he’s only getting stronger. While some fans think Luffy will finally triumph over Imu and take the throne as Pirate King, others think Imu is simply too strong and will prevail. Who is correct will ultimately be determined by time, but one thing is for certain: the conflict between Luffy and Imu will rank among the most significant and thrilling moments in One Piece‘s history.
2. Luffy vs Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard
One of the most exciting battles in One Piece will be between Luffy and Blackbeard, two of the most formidable pirates in history. Who would prevail in a fight between Luffy and Blackbeard is a difficult question to answer. With his Devil Fruit, Blackbeard has an advantage that could disable Luffy’s abilities.
However, Luffy is a committed fighter and he keeps becoming stronger with each fight. Further, Blackbeard possesses multiple Devil Fruit powers, and no one can restrict his talents. Additionally, their conflict will be highly significant because Luffy will fight for Ace, who Blackbeard captured on behalf of the World Government.
3. Luffy vs Sakazuki Akainu
Sakazuki has the Magu Magu no Mi, reputedly the most offensive Devil Fruit power, whereas Luffy has the Gomu Gomu no Mi, which allows him to stretch like rubber and also turns his surroundings to rubber-like substance. Sakazuki vanquished Luffy in their prior conflict. Nevertheless, Luffy has since developed significantly and has awakened his Devil Fruit abilities.
This grants him the power to turn everything around him into rubber, which could be a significant advantage while facing Sakazuki’s magma. It’s still unclear who would prevail in a rematch between Sakazuki and Luffy. But because Luffy is the show’s main character, likely, he will ultimately triumph over Sakazuki and take the title of Pirate King.
4. Luffy vs Red-Haired Shanks
One of the most anticipated battles in the series takes place between two of One Piece‘s most well-liked characters, Luffy and Shanks. Shanks has a great deal of experience and is a very talented swordsman. He is reputed to be among the world’s strongest pirates. Shanks was seen to finally join the game of looking for the One Piece.