Batman: The Animated Series is considered an iconic take on the Caped Crusader that played a crucial role in elevating the popularity of the superhero. Even though the animated series ended in the 1990s, the show continued through a tie-in comic series The Batman Adventures. Now according to the latest updates, the iconic series is being revived for the ardent fans of the DC Superhero.
There were several reasons why the animated show was so successful among the masses. Besides the unique animation style and mature themes, the voice acting for the show is also considered superior. The voice of the late Kevin Conroy and the Star Wars fame Mark Hamill had a primary contribution to immortalizing the show.
Also Read: 10 Best Kevin Conroy Performances as Batman
How is Kevin Conroy’s Batman: The Animated Series returning?
Batman: The Animated Series was a significant project made on The Dark Knight to date. There have been many iterations of the character across different platforms but none could match the show created by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski. But the fans were not left stranded after the end of the series as they were presented with the comic book tie-in series titled The Batman Adventures that were set in the same universe.
The comic books flaunted the same style as the animated series and ran for several issues. It garnered a wide fan base who loved the Kevin Conroy series. Now the iconic series is all set to be revived into The Batman Adventures Omnibus. The issues included in the omnibus will be The Batman Adventures #1-36, The Batman Adventures Annual #1-2, The Batman Adventures Holiday Special #1, The Batman Adventures: “Mad Love” and some issues from Batman: Black and White.
It is sure that this new run will also be as successful as the old ones and will tend to attract a large chunk of the young audience from the present times. The fans can pre-order the omnibus now which is set to be released in September this year. Although this is quite a different kind of return for the iconic series, we will soon get to watch another animated take on Batman in the upcoming Amazon Prime series.
Batman: Caped Crusader will bring back the vibe of the 90s show
Batman: Caped Crusader has been one of the most anticipated projects on the gritty dark superhero since the first day it was announced. The fans were hyped up as it was announced that the mastermind of the 1990 show Bruce Timm would be associated with the upcoming show. He further raised the hype by revealing that the series will act as a spiritual successor to Batman: The Animated Series.
It is reported that the superhero will get the old-school touch and the style of the former series but Kevin Conroy’s absence will surely be a major miss. The series was also subjected to a major discussion when HBO Max scrapped the project. Luckily, Amazon Prime picked it up and ordered a two-season run for the show. The show also elevated expectations when it was announced that J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves would also be associated with the project.
Although Kevin Conroy will be missed in the series by the ardent fans who have been associated with his Batman for a long time across several platforms, he is yet to make one last appearance as the Dark Knight. The late voice actor will be heard in his iconic role in the upcoming game Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League which is set in the same continuity of the Arkham games. We were almost set to receive the project this year before it was delayed to 2024 following intense backlash.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be released on February 2, 2024, while The Batman Adventures Omnibus will be out on September 5, 2023.
Source: Gaming Bible