Rosamund Pike starred alongside the action star Tom Cruise in the 2012 film Jack Reacher. Based on Lee Child’s novel One Shot, the film follows a former military officer Jack Reacher. The film did pretty well at the box office and went on to gross over $200 million at the box office. Pike joined the cast of the film as a defense attorney Helen Rodin and was super excited to star alongside one of the biggest stars in the industry.
While it was like a dream come true for her, the actress claimed she might have jeopardized the chances of it happening even before she was cast in the film. The 44 years old actress shared that she feared she would lose the part after she told the director and the star of the film to keep quiet.
Rosamund Pike Thought She Lost Her Part in Jack Reacher
Rosamund Pike ince thought she almost lost her part in the 2012 action thriller Jack Reacher. She shared that she was called in to audition after she sent an audition tape for her role in the film. However, during her audition, she was constantly distracted by director Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise’s discussion.
Pike shared that she was auditioning for a scene “with a guy who was standing in for Richard Jenkins.” However, she could see the Jack Reacher star and director “out of the corner of [her] eye,” talking during her scene. “It was distracting,” she said. So she asked them to be quiet during her audition.
“So I said, ‘I’m sorry guys, do you think you could not talk during my scene?” the Fracture actress recalled. However, she instantly regretted her decision and thought “Oh my goodness, what have I done?”
She thought that she was probably the only actress who would have told the Top Gun star to stop talking. While she assumed she would lose the role after that, it became one of the reasons she landed the role of Helen Rodin in the 2012 film.
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Tom Cruise Helped His Jack Reacher Co-Star Feel Better
Rosamund Pike was cast in the lead role in David Fincher’s 2014 film Gone Girl which follows the mysterious disappearance of Amy Dunne. The film would eventually land the actress her first Oscar nomination for Best Actress at the 87th Academy Awards.
During an interview with Variety, the Hostiles star shared that she was nervous to start her work on the film. To make things worse, she had a high fever before her first day on the set. So she wanted to talk to someone who has been in the same position.
After which, she sent a mail to her Jack Reacher co-star Tom Cruise. He wrote her back and told her to trust herself. The Radioactive actress shared that he told her that she would be good as she was “in the hands of a great director,” and she’s ready for something big.
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Source: CheatSheet