With great fame and attention, some cringe interviews are bound to happen. Keanu Reeves, the actor mafias fear, was once put in an uncomfortable situation where he had to do a very cliché interview which was pure cringe.
Being a gentleman, the actor did not make it awkward or uncomfortable at all but the fans ridiculed the host for his idiotic questions and his sorry attempt to defame Keanu Reeves. Comments hailed it as one of the most awkward interviews of all time (which is almost true) since it was terrible to watch Reeves maintain his composure during the run of the interview.
Keanu Reeves Starred In The Most Awkward Interview
The host of Capital FM, Roman Kemp was humiliated by millions of fans around the world when he interview the John Wick actor. The interview was mocked for its cringe questions that seemed borderline stupid.
After sitting down, the duo started chatting about Reeves’ life, the interviewer deviated from what is generally asked in an interview. Roman Kemp started asking Keanu Reeves random things about everyday life and making up weird scenarios of who would win in a fight. Kemp asked Reeves about who would win in a fight, John Wick or the British fitness coach Joe Wicks.
“I know it’s hard to believe but John Wick doesn’t really wanna fight, so let’s just talk about life and fitness, John Wick hashtag fitness.” replied the actor awkwardly.
This went on for quite a while as Kemp asked the Speed actor if he knew the price of a halogen lightbulb in the hardware store Wickes.
“For when you just have to get it done, I’m gonna Wickes my bathroom, I’m gonna Wickes my new kitchen,” joked Reeves.
After the interview was released, fans proceeded to slam Capital FM for ruining their chance for what could have been a great interview with The Matrix actor.
Keanu Reeves Recall Lance Reddick After His Passing
In the John Wick franchise, it is impossible not to mention the hotel manager aka Charon portrayed by the late actor Lance Reddick. The actor passed away recently at the age of 60 which was quite a shock to the whole world.
During the premiere of John Wick: Chapter 4 in Los Angeles, the duo of Keanu Reeves and Chad Stahelski remembered the late actor for being a memorable person and a dear friend.
“It’s not just one memory. It’s not just one day. It’s a collective. I had Lance in my life almost 10 years. Although that was done over the course of four films, we’ve worked together on other things. I just got to be happy and be proud of the fact that I got to spend so much time with him. We’re going to miss him.” reported director Chad Stahelski.
Keanu Reeves also said a few words about Lance Reddick and how he was a people person which Reeves clearly admired about him.
“Lance is a people person, a special artist, a gentleman of grace and dignity. It’s just really something special, every time he stepped on set, to watch the passion he had for his work. It’s really easy to work with him.”
With rave reviews and high scores, John Wick: Chapter 4 is currently screening in theaters across the world.
Source: Capital FM