Henry Cavill’s presence in the industry has led to a constant stream of engagement from fans, media, audiences, and celebrity personalities insomuch that it has felt like an onslaught of fandoms popping up everywhere around the globe with every demography. However, one of the most commonly engaged groups has been the physical health and fitness crowd which has dived into every available video and article speaking about the former Witcher actor’s diet, exercise, and workout regimen – one of which has garnered considerable attention due to some inherent flaws in the technique.
Henry Cavill’s Witcher Workout Doesn’t Impress Fitness Guru
In a video analyzing and critiquing his workout video in which acclaimed celebrity trainer Dave Rienzi (who also trains Dwayne Johnson) guides Henry Cavill through his reps and sets, exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel breaks down the flaws in the technique that Cavill implements in his regimen and comments on how they could be made more efficient, especially when it comes to building more endurance and working on a specific muscle set.
While working on the Romanian deadlift, Rienzi explains the purpose of doing a 4-second negative, a 2-second pause at the bottom, and then straightening up in one swift motion: “The key here is maximizing time under tension so he’s able to fatigue the muscles more but not overstress his nervous system and his adrenaline system.” However, Israetel adds to that claim:
“What they’re talking about is the level of systemic fatigue and exercise imposes and the stiff-legged aka Romanian deadlifting thing. This is one of the most fatiguing exercises you can do. If you really wanted to train the glutes and hams, there’s a bunch of exercise like light curls and lunges you could do to get just as much hypertrophic effect, muscle growth, and not nearly as much fatigue. So [I’m] curious but as an aside, it’s me being really pedantic.”
The Witcher has now gone through a shift in its casting, and Henry Cavill who had modeled the role of Geralt of Rivia to perfection, including learning the inflections of Doug Cockle’s voice for the character, is now out of a job at Netflix. His resignation came on the phenomenal occasion of his Superman return in the controversial Black Adam film.
Henry Cavill and His Intertwined Fate With The Witcher
The Witcher took an incredible toll on the lead actor, Henry Cavill who fought tooth and nail to not only win the role fair and square but also bring the best (albeit only) live-action Geralt to the screens for us all. The physique that he had begun to build up since his days on the Superman set began to be put to good use as the actor swung around his sword, bringing the audience under his spell in the very first episode of the Netflix series as the Butcher of Blaviken.
Recently, his exit from the series, which stirred massive controversy and speculation, was followed up by the immediate recasting of the role with Liam Hemsworth in the leading role. The news, although received by a barrage of criticism, had people warming up to the fact that it’s Hemsworth Jr. who will be donning the white hair, the swords, and the medallion in Cavill’s stead. But as far as being creatively qualified to fill the massive shoes and legacy left behind by Cavill, only time will tell.
The Witcher is now available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Renaissance Periodization