Elizabeth Olsen, who portrays the enigmatic Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), has offered a unique perspective on the superhero costumes within the franchise. While the MCU is renowned for its spectacular visual effects and detailed costume designs, Olsen’s candid thoughts reveal the less glamorous aspects of superhero attire. The actress, who has been part of the MCU since 2014, initially had reservations about Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man costume as the worst. However, another costume soon caught her attention, and it might not be the one you’d expect.
Elizabeth Olsen’s Take on the Worst MCU Superhero Costume
Elizabeth Olsen‘s initial pick for the least appealing costume was Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man suit. However, her opinion shifted after seeing Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther costume. Olsen didn’t mince words, stating,
“He has the worst costume, Black Panther.”
Her co-star, Jeremy Renner, who plays the sharpshooter Hawkeye, echoed her sentiment, finding Civil War to shed an intriguing light on Black Panther and other Marvel heroes. Surprisingly, both actors ranked the Black Panther costume as the least impressive among Marvel’s superhero attires.
Meanwhile, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the late Chadwick Boseman, the brilliant actor behind Black Panther, opened up about his challenges while donning the renowned suit. Boseman candidly acknowledged the compromised peripheral vision and gritty, tinted view that made operating in the suit difficult. Despite the discomfort, Boseman recognized the redeeming qualities of the suit, showcasing his dedication to delivering a remarkable portrayal of the regal superhero.
The Creative Genius Behind the Black Panther Costume
Despite its perceived discomfort, the Black Panther costume is a marvel of design and creativity. Ruth E. Carter, the costume designer for Black Panther, crafted the suit with meticulous attention to detail. Carter’s work on the film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever earned her an Oscar in 2023, a testament to her exceptional talent.
The suit, made from a 3D-printed mesh material, was designed to resemble a panther’s skin, adding a layer of authenticity to the character’s African roots. Despite the challenges it posed for the actors, the costume was widely praised for its innovative design and cultural significance.
The Lasting Impact of Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther
Chadwick Boseman’s portrayal of Black Panther left an indelible mark on the MCU and its fans. Despite the discomfort of the costume, Boseman’s performance was nothing short of iconic, creating a legacy that transcends the confines of the cinematic universe. The Black Panther character, symbolizing African heritage and power, has become a beacon of representation in superhero films.
The world of superhero costumes is more than just capes and masks. It’s a blend of design, functionality, and, sometimes, discomfort. While the Black Panther costume might have won the dubious honor of being the “worst” according to Olsen and Renner, it’s undeniable that it has left a lasting impact, much like Boseman’s unforgettable performance.
Source: Cheat Sheet