Rick and Morty is an incredibly unique and beloved show. The story of the series follows Rick, who is an alcoholic sociopath and genius scientist, and his socially anxious teenage grandson, Morty. Over the course of its ten-year run, the series has gathered a massive, dedicated following of fans who love to dive deep into the fictional universe that it has created.
With the seventh season of the series getting released very soon, one will expect the entire fandom to be excited and anticipating what is the come. This, however, does not seem to be the case as controversy regarding the main voice actor of the series makes fans boycott the upcoming season.
Rick And Morty Voice Actor Justin Roiland’s Controversy
Justin Roiland is the voice behind many beloved characters on massively successful TV shows, including Fish Hooks, The Vindicators, Gravity Falls, and Invincible. Most famously, however, he is most famously known for creating and voicing both the titular characters of the hit series, Rick and Morty. His work on the series, however, only lasted for six seasons as he was fired after he was charged with felony domestic abuse in Orange County, California.
Adult Swim, the studio behind the series, went on to state they would be cutting their ties with Roiland and instead, hire someone who sounds alike – who will go on to voice the two characters. While the majority of the fanbase of the series has been supportive of this decision made by the studio, even though the news deeply saddens them, some have not been as understanding.
Justin Roiland Fans Refuse To Watch New Season Of Rick And Morty
On a Twitter post that announced the release date of the seventh season of Rick and Morty, many fans expressed their disappointment with the production team and the studio. Some stated they would not watch the show anymore as Justin Roiland wasn’t involved anymore. Some added that the role of Morty and Rick was stolen from him and that no one should care about the series after this.
Despite these comments, however, the majority of the fans were excited about what this season will bring. Some stated that they were excited to hear the new voice actor, Dan Stevens, who will be now the voice of these two characters. Some even went on to say that they believe that the peak of all television and cinema is this show and they cannot wait to tune in.
The seventh season of Rick and Morty will be out on Netflix on October 15, 2023.
Source: Twitter