The rumoured voice actor of GTA 6’s protagonist Bryan Zampella has been spotted in a new video with Shawn Fonteno, the actor behind GTA 5 protagonist Franklin. The pair appearing in a video together would be enough to stoke fan hype and speculation, but there appears to be more to the video than meets the eye.
With GTA 5’s anniversary only two days away on September 17th and the duo teasing “something” at the end of the video many are speculating that GTA 6 could be teased on the anniversary ahead of a potential reveal next week.
Could We See a GTA 6 Reveal Soon?
The theory relies on GTA 6 being revealed in a similar way to Red Dead Redemption 2 with a brief teaser trailer before a proper reveal soon after. Although the game has been rumoured to be announced sometime this year, fans have speculated that the 10th-anniversary celebrations for GTA V would be a perfect time to do so.
The video itself titled ‘Dead Drop’ also features a nod to the previous speculation around Bryan Zampella voicing one of GTA 6’s two protagonists. Zampella’s character in the video, ‘Z’, is dressed in a blue and pink Hawaiian shirt that would look right at home on Vice City protagonist Tommy Vercetti.
Although there is no concrete evidence that this video, or Bryan Zampella, has anything to do with GTA 6, the slightest possibility that it could be related to the long-awaited sequel has still sent GTA fans into a frenzied Hype.
The biggest issue with the video is that it was uploaded on Zampella’s personal YouTube channel and that Rockstar has never done any live-action teasers in the past to promote GTA, unlike other franchises such as Mortal Kombat.
For now, ‘Dead Drop’ and its connection to the next GTA instalment are purely speculation until any news is revealed otherwise. Do you think ‘Dead Drop’ has anything to do with GTA 6? Are you excited about Rockstar’s next project? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and follow @FandomWire for all the latest gaming and entertainment news.
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