After four seasons, it’s finally time to say goodbye to the show, Succession. Currently, in its final season, the show will have a total of ten episodes, which we believe are going to be as exciting as possible. While there will be a ton of memories for actors and the crew to take back home from the sets, actor Brian Cox has something truly unique he is coming home with.
No, it’s not a souvenir. Instead, he will be taking home a “disease” from the sets of Succession – The Logan Roy disease. His character, Logan Roy, has a two-word catchphrase – “F*ck off”. And just like every other catchphrase, this one has stuck with the actor to an extent that he might be facing troubles in his marriage thanks to it.
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Brian Cox is Having Marriage Troubles Thanks to Logan Roy
No one likes having swear words flying around in their home, and Brian Cox’s wife, Nicole Ansari, is no stranger to that feeling. Appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Cox was talking about the ending of Succession where he slipped up and dropped the F-bomb stating, “I love endings. I love getting the f*ck finished with it.” Needless to say, the audience erupted in laughter and Cox apologized for his “language.”
Cox then revealed that he calls this slip-up, which supposedly happens a lot, the Logan Roy disease. He then joked that his struggles with the “disease” might become the reason for his divorce from Ansari.
“It’s what I call the Logan Roy disease and I have been affected by it. My wife’s nearly divorcing me because of it.”
We hope Cox wins the battle against the Logan Roy disease, that is, if he is willing to! With just one season of Succession remaining, we wonder how many f*ck-offs the fans will get to hear!
The Actor is Tired of Fans Asking Him to Say His Catchphrase
During The Hollywood Reporter’s Drama Actor Emmy Roundtable, Cox revealed that fans of the show often ask him to tell them to f*ck off as they want to hear the famous catchphrase in real life. He recalled an incident where a young teenage couple asked him to say Logan Roy’s catchphrase to their faces.
“My thing [since Succession began] is people ask me to tell them to f*ck off all the time. Well, it’s not the easiest thing to say to people. I mean, it started when I was playing L.B.J. in one of those theatres in New York. I came out one night and there was this young couple, very sweet, about 17, and they had a video and they said, ‘Could you tell us to f*ck off please?’ I mean, it’s unbelievable.”
Cox also stated that things took a weird turn when he was asked to do the same at a #MeToo meeting when he went for Ronan Farrow’s book launch. He recalled telling the audience, “This is a #MeToo meeting, is this really proper to be asking me to tell you to f*ck off? And does that mean that I get canceled?” What can we say, fans love Logan Roy! However, Cox sure has got a point. There’s a time and place for everything, isn’t it?
Succession season 4 episode 1 is streaming on HBO and HBO Max and new episodes will drop every Sunday!
Source: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon