Hugh Jackman is best recognized for his portrayal of Wolverine in the X-Men film franchise. The actor will make his return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. The news was revealed in a video with Ryan Reynolds, in which the duo displayed their bromance and, later, their superb weaponry in an explanation video.
Wolverine is a fearsome mutant superhero. He is muscular, angry, and impatient. In reality, when Wolverine fights, he occasionally goes into berserker rages, and Jackman described how he’d rile himself up to portray the part.
Hugh Jackman’s Diet and Workout Routine
Hugh Jackman‘s fitness consultant, David Kingsbury, spoke out about his client’s considerable preparation for the part. Jackman’s meals were divided into four portions throughout the day, allowing him to eat regularly. As expected, the food was well-balanced yet high in protein, allowing the actor to gain as much muscle mass as possible.
The Greatest Showman actor consumed oatmeal and eggs for breakfast. He followed that up with some beef, broccoli, spinach, and brown rice for lunch. Hugh Jackman made it to the point that include foods like avocados in his diet, with his third meal including them heavily. For the rest of the day, he took pills like creatine to help with his exercise.
The Logan actor’s trainer used the progressive overload method to help him get stronger while also building muscle. For those who are unfamiliar, progressive overload is the process of increasing the intensity of the workout is performed.
David Kingsbury constructed his regimen around this training idea so that Hugh Jackman could continue to push himself past his limits as his body worked extra hard to adapt to changing conditions, such as heavier weights and more reps.
The actor believes that even after such intensive training, he does not have the body needed for Wolverine’s role in the upcoming Deadpool 3.
Why is Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3?
The actor first played Wolverine in 2000’s X-Men and reprised the role multiple times over 17 years. Logan marked an epic emotional conclusion to Jackman’s time as Wolverine.
Hugh Jackman stated that he was done with the character and did not wish to return to it. This follows Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s ability to bring back characters like Doc Octopus while keeping the original actor and not undermining Logan‘s original work. It was probably reassuring to Jackman that whatever version of Wolverine this is, it will not diminish the significance of Logan‘s ending.
Moreover, many fans anticipated seeing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine again.
Deadpool 3 is set to be released in theatres on November 8th, 2024.
Source: CheatSheet