Moon Knight is an ongoing miniseries, which is a part of phase 4 of the MCU. Created by Jeremy Slater for Disney+, it is based on Marvel Comics featuring a character of the same name. This series is quite different from its peers. Some innovations in it are quite interesting.
It has got the whole world talking about it. Just two episodes in, it has swept us off our feet! In this article, we take a brief recap of the second episode, discuss the upcoming third episode and provide details about when it would air. Share your opinion on Moon Knight, the series, and let us know what you think about the story so far.
A Brief Recap of Where the 2nd Episode Left Us
The second episode of Moon Knight dropped on the 6th of April, 2022. It was titled “Summon The Suit”. This episode provided a lot of information about the individual characters and contributed to the world-building. We also got our first glimpse of Moon Knight in action. London resident Steven Grant found himself at odds with the Cult leader, Arthur Harrow. Harrow has the powers of the trapped goddess Ammit in him.
This episode introduced a new character, Layla. Layla turns out to be an acquaintance of Marc’s and initially thinks that steven was a front for Marc. She also knows about the Moon Knight and refers to it as the ” suit”.
Episode 2 also, sheds light on Marc’s connection with the ancient god, Khonshu, and how he came into his service. It turns out that Marc owes a debt to the god who had earlier saved his life. Marc is under the impression that the deity would leave him when the current mission is completed. The mission, as told by Marc to Steven is, “protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonshu’s justice to those who hurt them.”
The last half of the episode shows Marc and Steven fighting with a mythical Egyptian jackal and Arthur Harrow’s goons culminating in Marc taking over, right before he is sent to Egypt by Khonshu.
Episode #3 May Take Us Into Marc’s Mind
Episode 2 ended with Marc taking over and Steven taking the back seat. The episode would likely take place in Egypt, where Marc was headed on the instructions of Khonshu. With Marc talking over, we may get to have a closer look into Marc’s mind. We may learn more about him and his true intentions.
The show would have a drastic change of scene and the characters would find themselves in the Egyptian desert amidst the Pyramids. This would also allow the show to better explore its Egyptian theme.
Where and When to Watch Episode #3 of Moon Knight
Moon Knight’s Season 1 would have 6 episodes, airing every Wednesday on the streaming services Disney+.
Each episode lasts about 40-50 minutes.
The third episode of Moon Knight will stream on April 13, 2022, exclusively on Disney+.