Ms. Marvel, also known as Kamala Khan, is a superhero character who has appeared both in the comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). While there are several similarities between the two versions of Ms. Marvel, some notable differences set them apart.
In the comics, Ms. Marvel possesses the remarkable power of bodily manipulation, enabling her to stretch, reshape, and enlarge various body parts. However, in the MCU adaptation, Ms. Marvel’s abilities take a cosmic turn, granting her the extraordinary power to manifest and shape energy constructs at her will. However, the comics have killed off her character, and fans aren’t impressed by the new development.
How Did Ms. Marvel Die In The Comics
In a recent comic book release on May 31, 2023, issue #26 of The Amazing Spider-Man depicted a poignant moment for Ms. Marvel, also known as Kamala Khan. Tragically, she met her end while engaging in a selfless act of heroism alongside Spider-Man, bravely sacrificing herself in their joint efforts to safeguard the entire universe.
In the issue, Kamala Khan finds herself immersed in an internship at Oscorp Industries, where her responsibilities include monitoring the actions of Norman Osborn, the enigmatic owner of Oscorp, who also moonlights as the nefarious Green Goblin. Osborn schemes to employ a powerful instrument known as the Godkiller, with intentions to obliterate the very fabric of the universe. As Kamala uncovers Osborn’s sinister plot, she valiantly endeavors to thwart him. While she manages to halt Osborn’s destructive plans, the cost of her heroic triumph proves to be her own life.
Kamala Khan’s demise is a pivotal moment in the vast Marvel Comics universe, leaving an indelible mark on both avid readers and followers of her appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As a beloved character, Kamala has garnered significant popularity through her own dedicated comic book series and her presence in the larger Marvel narrative.
Will Ms. Marvel Return As A Mutant
As per a report from The Illuminerdi, it is rumored that Marvel Comics has taken the bold step of bringing about the demise of Ms. Marvel, alias Kamala Khan, with an intriguing purpose in mind. Allegedly, this narrative decision paves the way for her eventual resurrection as a mutant endowed with the ability to manipulate hard light.
The report suggests that Kamala’s return will be witnessed within the highly anticipated Immortal X-Men event, wherein the X-Men and the Avengers will join forces to confront an emerging menace, thereby setting the stage for an enthralling collaboration between these iconic superhero teams.
During the event, an astonishing revelation will unfold, as Kamala Khan will emerge as a remarkable mutant, bestowing upon her the incredible power to manipulate hard light. This newfound ability will empower her to manifest constructs of diverse forms and dimensions, establishing her as a formidable and valuable asset to the esteemed X-Men team. While the comics have already decided Ms. Marvel’s fate, it remains to be seen if the MCU will follow suit.
Ms. Marvel, the live-action series, is available for streaming on Disney+.
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