Marvel Studios announced many of its upcoming shows and movies under the MCU. With these, the studio also announced many new characters who will be joining the MCU in the future. Among these new characters was a new superhero, Sabra, who will make her MCU debut with the fourth Captain America movie. In comics, she is a mutant who serves as a Mossad agent. The character has been a part of controversies ever since its comic origin. Marvel has also announced that Israeli actress and Emmy Nominee Shira Haas will be portraying the character on screen.
The character has been surrounded by controversies and has faced massive backlash since its announcement. Due to this, the studio chose to take a new approach with Sabra for Captain America: New World Order. Marvel Studios has said, “The filmmakers are taking a new approach with the character introduced in the comics over 40 years ago.”
Why is the Israeli Superhero Facing Backlash?
Fans were unhappy with Marvel introducing the character due to controversies surrounding it. One of the controversies is in the name of the character itself. Sabra is a Hebrew term given to Jews who were born in historic Palestine. Many even called the name insensitive, which evokes memories of the Sabra and Shatila Massacre.
Sabra and Shatila were two Palestine refugee camps in Lebanon comprising Palestinians. These were the people who were forced to leave Palestine due to their ongoing conflict with Israel.
The 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre took place in Lebanon. Up to 3,500 civilians died in Palestinian refugee camps. At first, the Israeli Army claimed that they surrounded the camps. But the UN later confirmed that the Israeli Army had a potential role in the massacre.
After Marvel announced the character, people started commenting on how Marvel named the superhero over the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre. They also called out Marvel for glorifying war criminals and asked the actress Shira Haas to drop the role.
Sabra Introduction to Comics
Marvel first introduced Sabra in the early 1980s with “The Incredible Hulk.” Her introduction brought Marvel comics into the Israeli-Palestine conflict. In comics, She is a former Israeli security agency Mossad, introduced in the early 1980s. She was born near Jerusalem, Israel, and was with her family by the Israeli government on a Kibbutz.
She is most likely a mutant with special abilities like super speed, strength, and flying at great velocity. She uses her powers to serve the state. She has a uniform inspired by the Israeli Flag and uses weapons possessed by the Israeli Army. The character shows no remorse over her action.
In comics, she mistakes Hulk for an Arab terrorist. She chases him after he leaves with the body of a young Arab boy. It was the first time she showed remorse after Hulk teaches her about human values.
Marvel to Take New Approach to Sabra
Sabra will appear in the upcoming Marvel film Captain America: New World Order. The film is still under development. Due to the backlash, Marvel has announced that it will take a new approach with her. It would not be the first time Marvel would do something like this.
Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight
The studio has routinely brought in cultural consultants to make sure they do not include harmful stereotypes in their shows and movies. Stanford professor Priya Satia consulted Ms. Marvel, and Egyptologist Ramy Romany consulted on Moon Knight.
They have even freshly approached many comic characters in their earlier movies. For instance, After Marvel cast Tony Leung as the father of Shang Chi in Shang Chi and the Legend of Ten rings, it was also surrounded by many controversies.
The character, named Fu Manchu in comics, was a racist stereotype. But, Marvel revived the character of Xu Wenwu for the film and became one of the better and more dynamic MCU villains.
Shira Haas will star in Captain America: New World Order with Anthony Mackie. Captain America: New World Order will release in theatres on May 3, 2024.
Source: Twitter