Ryan Coogler, the director renowned for being at the helm of the Black Panther franchise, recently revealed the last-ever conversation he had with the late actor Chadwick Boseman, and it turns out that the latter himself refused to take a look at the original script of the upcoming Black Panther sequel. And it seems to be quite the emotional exchange between the two.
With Black Panther: Wakanda Forever just a week away from its release, the director of the film has been indulging in various interviews with regard to the movie, and in one of his recent conversations about the same, Ryan Coogler opened up about his last call with Chadwick Boseman, and how he’d offered the actor to read the script of the film before the latter denied it.
Chadwick Boseman was never able to read the Black Panther 2 script
While talking about the Black Panther sequel on The Official Black Panther Podcast, Ryan Coogler reminisced about the late actor Chadwick Boseman and the last time he had spoken to him, as he revealed how the Academy Award-winning actor never had the opportunity to read the script of Wakanda Forever.
Coogler had just finished writing the script before he offered it up to Boseman for a brief glance when they last talked on call. But when the 36-year-old filmmaker asked him if he wanted to read it, he remarked that the Black Panther star told him he’d rather not. “I could tell he was tired,” Coogler recalled.
“My last conversation was calling him, asking him if he wanted to read it before I got notes from the studio. That was the last time we spoke. And yeah, so I, you know, he passed maybe a couple weeks after I finished.”
The Creed director then mentioned how Boseman and he briefly brushed upon subjects of the latter’s wedding plans and the former’s children before coming back to the topic of the movie when the 21 Bridges actor refused to read its script, claiming he would get on it later.
“And then he was like, yeah, he said he didn’t wanna read it ’cause he didn’t wanna get in the way of whatever notes the studio might have. So he was like, ‘It’s better if I can read it later.’ But I found later that he was too tired to read anything.”
Coogler was impatient with excitement to show his work with the script to Boseman but as unfortunate as it is, he was never really able to.
Ryan Coogler talks about the character of Namor
Coogler also talked about how while working on the original script of Black Panther 2, he had gone through various characters from the comics before deciding that Namor the Sub-mariner would play a major role in the sequel.
“So… we would say, ‘Man, could we ever do Namor?’ And they had contractual things going on with him as a character at the time… But it was something that if we ran it back, it would be about him and Namor and we would introduce Marvel’s Atlantis into the fold.”
Though this particular perspective with regard to Namor’s character had floated through the director’s mind before the release of DC’s Aquaman, it was still something that both he and Boseman had been excited about.
Chadwick Boseman’s untimely passing away was one of the biggest hits to not only Marvel fans but to people all over the world. But Coogler along with the rest of the actors and the film’s crew have definitely done one hell of a job of paying a tribute to both T’Challa and Boseman himself in the sequel. They have all worked hard to make him proud.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is set to premiere on November 11, 2022.
Source: The Direct