After a series of successful releases, Quentin Tarantino presented Django Unchained in 2012. This film featured Jamie Foxx in the lead role, portraying an ex-slave determined to seek revenge and rescue his beloved wife from the clutches of the sadistic slave owner, Calvin Candie, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Despite the controversy surrounding Django Unchained, Jamie Foxx downplayed the criticism regarding the film’s perceived impropriety. Overall, the movie received positive reviews, particularly for Foxx’s portrayal of the character Django. However, according to Foxx, there was at least one scene in the Western that left him terrified during filming, despite his real-life experience riding horses.
Jamie Foxx Couldn’t Control His Own Horse
Throughout the filming of a particular scene in Django Unchained, Jamie Foxx’s fear was unmistakable. This sequence demanded that Foxx ride at high speeds without a saddle, and despite his outward appearance of confidence, the actor confessed to feeling quite apprehensive beneath his composed demeanor.
“On the outside, I look like Django, but on the inside, I was like Little Richard screaming, ‘Lord Jesus, please stop this horse!'” Foxx recalled.
Despite Jamie Foxx bringing his own horse named Cheetah on set for filming, the actor’s unease persisted during the high-speed scenes in Django Unchained. Foxx successfully persuaded Quentin Tarantino to allow him to utilize Cheetah for his riding sequences in the movie. However, it appears that Cheetah adapted more effortlessly to the fast-paced action of the shoot compared to Foxx himself.
“This time, the horse takes off again, only this time I’m on the side of the horse, and the stunt guy, Dash, says, ‘If you feel like you’re gonna come off the horse, just let go of the son of a b***h, just get off,'” Foxx said. “Those words are ringing in my head as I’m hanging off the side going 28 miles an hour, thinking, ‘he’s a damn fool!'”
Jamie Foxx Could’ve Lost The Role To Idris Elba
Prior to landing the role in Django Unchained, Jamie Foxx had reservations and uncertainties about his chances of being cast. He held genuine concerns that Quentin Tarantino might opt for Idris Elba instead, given the highly coveted nature of the role. In a fortunate turn of events, Foxx even attempted to dissuade the talented Oscar-winning actor from participating in the film, hoping to improve his own prospects.
“‘Your beautiful black as* ride up on that horse, it’s gonna be problems for everybody.'”
As Jamie Foxx delved into the script of Django Unchained, he stumbled upon a profound personal resonance that reinforced his conviction that he was the ideal choice for the role. Having grown up in Texas, Foxx possessed a deep familiarity with the language and contextual elements depicted in the film, strengthening his connection to the material.
Django Unchained is available for rent or purchase on Amazon Instant Video and Vudu.
Source: Looper