Comedian and actor Kevin Hart recently featured in a Netflix original Me Time. The film took the top spot on Netflix after its release. However, its streaming numbers on Netflix have collided with the audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film has a measly critic score of just seven percent, making it the lowest rates film not just for Kevin Hart but also for his star in the film Mark Wahlberg.
The film is a unique experience for the actor, and no one would be surprised if Kevin Hart is seen making jokes about it in the future. Kevin Hart has never failed to deliver a character on screen. Being a comedian, he knows what to say and when to say it. He is confident and does not hesitate when it comes to sharing his experience as well.
Kevin Hart’s Kids Think He Is The Coolest Dad On The Planet
One such experience Hart shared on The Late Late Show with Stephen Colbert. During his appearance on the show, he talked about how his father struggled with drugs, and it impacted him and his family. He also said it all helped him to learn the things, he should not do as a father.
Talking about being a father himself, Kevin Hart shared that his kids love him and say he is the coolest dad on the planet. He said, “My kids think I’m dope and that’s what makes me happy.”
Sharing his experience, Hart also said that he always tries to focus on positive things instead of negative, and it helped him have a better relationship with his father.
He said, “I think there’s a choice. You always have a choice to make.”Kevin Hart also said that he does not like holding grudges and wasting his time being angry or upset with someone.
When host Stephen Colbert asked him if he had any other life lessons he learned while working on different films and would like to share them, Hart shared his experience with Snoop Dogg while working on the 2004 film, Soul Plane.
Answering the question Kevin Hart said, “Yes I learned that you shouldn’t smoke over a certain amount.”
Kevin Hart’s Smoking Experience with Snoop Dogg
Talking about his smoking experience with Snoop Dogg, Hart said there was a point where Snoop was like, you had to go on. Hart shared how it did not have an end for Snoop Dogg, and he was just wondering, When does this stop?
Seeing him not satisfied with whatever they were smoking, he even suggested Snoop Dogg try something else, assuming that was not what he was looking for. Then came a stage when Snoop Dogg was the only person up and the only person talking.
Talkin further about it he shared how he is not a drug guy because of the consequences his father had, but it is different for Snoop Dogg. Calling it a legendary moment, he said one has to smoke with Snoop if they get a chance.
Following this, he jokingly said that he will be able to say this to his kids, “Don’t do drugs, but if you do do it, do it with Snoop Dogg.” Following this, he said Snoop is all about quality and not quantity.
Hart worked with Snoop Dogg in the 2004 film, Soul Plane. The film follows Neshwan Wade, who receives compensation after he sues an airline for a horrible experience. He plans to create a full-service airline with the money he received. However, things don’t go as planned, leading to multiple comical situations.
The Lowest Rated Film Of Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart is in talks for his recent Netflix film, Me Time, which was released on August 26. Despite having the top spot on the streaming platform, the film seems to be breaking unwanted records. Just after a week after its release, Me Time has become the lowest-rated film of Kevin Hart.
Directed by John Hamburg and starring Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg, Me Time follows Sonny Fisher, a stay-at-home dad who finally gets free time from his family. The movie showcases Sonny having some Me Time with his friend Huke while his kids and wife are away for a while.
The actor later shared a post on his Instagram asking fans to look for some hidden messages in the film and also shared why he wanted to do the film.
Me Time is currently streaming on Netflix.
Source: YouTube