2017’s Baywatch, directed by Seth Gordon, brought the iconic ’90s television series back to the big screen with a fresh and humorous twist. The film mainly featured some iconic superstars like Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, and Alexandra Daddario. Actress Priyanka Chopra also appeared in the film as “the villain,” Victoria Leeds, and she once talked about her experience of working in the film.
Chopra revealed that she intimated the male stars of the movie, even a bodybuilder like Dwayne Johnson. The actress further highlighted that she finds joy in “demeaning” them. Chopra first became a well-known name in Bollywood, and later transitioned to Hollywood, where she successfully proved herself as a talented star.
Priyanka Chopra annoyed Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron on the sets of Baywatch
During her appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, actress Priyanka Chopra revealed that she annoyed her Baywatch male co-stars, Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron,
“I do play the villain in the movie, and that was, I think, the funnest thing to do. I don’t know how many women can say they got to intimidate The Rock and I really do. I’m so mean to them, both Zac and him. Like all the lifeguards, it’s delectable and it’s actually – women, somehow, or at least I do, I don’t know about all women – just enjoy it when you can be a little mean. Just demeaning is fun.”
Priyanka Chopra made her debut in Hollywood with 2015’s Quantico and landed Baywatch 2 years later. Directed by Seth Gordon, the movie was an exciting way to revisit the iconic 90’s sitcom.
Also read: IRS Hunted Baywatch Star Pamela Anderson Down for $370,000 in Unpaid Taxes, Second Time in a Row
Baywatch was a massive success
It was surely exciting to see Priyanka Chopra playing a role in the movie, but how did she bag the role? Well, Chopra once claimed that the role of the main antagonist was written for a man, but Seth Gordon changed the role and the script after meeting her. Without a doubt, the casting choices were perfect.
While the film went through a lot of scrutiny, it was purely made for the fans of the original Baywatch series, in fact, Johnson himself stated that the movie is not for critics. Even David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson, who co-starred in the original show Baywatch, made an appearance in the movie primarily for the fans.
Baywatch was made on a budget of roughly $69 million, excluding the marketing and distribution costs. At the global box office, it managed to gross over $177 million. Despite strong criticism, the film was praised for its playful take on the original series.
Source: YouTube