Jeremy Renner is best known for his work as Hawkeye or Clint Barton in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Outside of appearing in many Marvel projects like The Avengers franchise, as well as his show Hawkeye, Renner has also made a name for himself through movies like The Bourne Legacy, and Tag. Being in the media spotlight so prominently, it is quite concerning to know that he has gotten into trouble for saying questionable things to women a couple of times in his career.
From saying some very untasteful things about Scarlett Johansson’s character, Black Widow during interviews for a Marvel movie, to saying something very questionable to Jennifer Lopez on live television. Let us take a look back at these moments.
Jeremy Renner Acted Inappropiately With Jennifer Lopez On Live Television
During the 2015 Golden Globes, Jeremy Renner announced and presented the award for Golden Globe Award for actor in a TV miniseries or movie alongside the singer and actress, Jennifer Lopez. During this interaction on stage, the two seemed to have been struggling with the envelope that had the name of the winner written on it. Lopez asked if she could help him with the piece of paper, stating that she had the nails that could help.
“A reminder not to take this … so serious,” he wrote.
To this, Renner stated that she had the globes too, making a ‘joke’ pointed towards the plunge neck dress that the singer was wearing. While Lopez laughed this off, not thinking this to be creepy in any way, many found the entire interaction very uncomfortable and as some put it, tasteless and perverted. Lopez went online to say that she found the comment quite funny, to which Renner replied, stating that it was a joke and that is how it should be taken.
Jeremy Renner Sl*t-Shamed Scarlett Johansson’s Character
This seems to not be an isolated incident as Jeremy Renner has a history of this kind of behavior, once even with his onscreen best friend, Scarlett Johansson. During an interview for The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Renner, and his co-star Chris Evans were asked about how they felt about the fact that Natasha Romanoff, who is played by Johanson, was dating the Hulk, even though both Hawkeye and Captain America were involved with her at some point in the comics.
“I got in a lot of Internet trouble. That’s a thing now that you can get in.” he said to Conan O’Brien, “I was asked a question, ‘So Black Widow’s been linked to Hawkeye, Iron Man, Bruce Banner, and Captain America,'” Renner told. “‘So what do you think about that?’ Well, I said, ‘It sounds like she’s a slut.’ Now, mind you, I was talking about a fictional character with fictional behavior. If you slept with four of the six Avengers—no matter how much fun you had—you’d be a slut. I’d be a slut.”
Renners answer to this was to call the character a sl*t, followed by Evans calling her a wh*re. Naturally. the two received immense criticism for these remarks and made public apologies for them, however, where Evans never repeated something like this again, this was not the last time that Renner said something like this about the Black Widow. Only a few weeks after this incident, Renner did an interview with Conan O’Brien, where he repeated similar comments, adding that there was nothing wrong with what he said.
Source: LA Times