Wednesday’s Jenna Ortega has been confirmed to host the upcoming Saturday Night Live episode, alongside rock band The 1975 on their second-time appearance on the show as musical guest. The breakout Netflix star rose to fame for her role of Wednesday Addams, the macabre anti-hero created by Charles Addams. She is also known for her role in Scream VI.
Ortega’s first live SNL gig will test her hosting skills. Many celebrities who appeared on the show usually deliver the most iconic speeches in the most entertaining way. Known for her dry and dark sense of humor, Ortega will certainly leave a mark. Other personalities gracing the SNL next month include Super Bowl winner Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, and musician Kelsea Ballerini.
Jenna Ortega On Her Rise To Stardom And Playing Wednesday Addams
Jenna Ortega is indeed a new force to reckon with. Her role as Wednesday Addams shook the Netflix world and, for several weeks, snippets of her iconic ballroom dance scene were all over TikTok and other social media platforms. Fans also joined the trend and started posting their own versions. Even superstar Lady Gaga recreated Ortega’s choreography.
When interviewed by People about playing Wednesday Addams, Ortega said:
“People have been telling me I look like her since I was six years old. And I have a pretty dark sense of humor!”
She also talked about the preparation she made to fully embody the uniqueness of the character.
“I had to do things a bit different with my physicality and the way I carried myself. She almost has a social awkwardness. So when she does toxic, manipulative things, you know it’s not coming out of malicious intent.”
Christina Ricci, who played the same character in the 1991 film, also starred in the series. Ortega shared her sentiments playing alongside the actress.
“It was really intimidating because I have so much respect for her as an actress, and being dressed up how she was 30 years ago, it was a little awkward. But I felt safe with her on set almost immediately. She was really sweet about it, and such a generous actress.”
Ortega has been in the entertainment industry since she was a child. Despite the experiences, the actress revealed she is still very critical of herself.
“I don’t always watch what I’ve done. I’m hyper-critical of myself and it’s almost like if I watch myself, it destroys my self-esteem!”
With all the success and exciting projects she receives, Ortega remains grateful and humble. The actress shares that she is looking forward to her future career. When asked what was next for her, she graciously answered that she had no idea.
Fans Express Excitement Over Jenna Ortega’s SNL Hosting Debut
Fans are ecstatic after SNL’s announcement of its hosts and musical guest. Ortega’s avid supporters took their excitement on Twitter for the star’s upcoming hosting stint. Check out their tweets below:
It is impossible to scroll on social media and not see any clips of Ortega’s iconic dance move or snippets from the Wednesday series. The magnitude of the show’s success proves that Ortega’s charm and influence, especially in the youth, is here to stay for the long run.
Catch Jenna Ortega on Saturday Night Live this March 11.
Source: People