In the 2007 neo-western thriller No Country for Old Men, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, Javier Bardem’s rendition of Anton Chigurh stands out as truly iconic. His portrayal of this enigmatic and merciless hitman is both chilling and indelible. Sporting a distinctive bowl haircut and wielding a captive bolt pistol, Chigurh exudes an eerie aura of impending dread.
Bardem’s remarkable talent lies in his ability to convey an unwavering sense of menace while maintaining a calm and methodical demeanor. This portrayal garnered him a multitude of accolades, including the coveted Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, firmly establishing his reputation as one of cinema’s foremost talents.
Javier Bardem’s Scared People With His Haircut
Within No Country for Old Men, Javier Bardem assumed the role of the film’s primary antagonist, Anton Chigurh. His portrayal of the psychopathic killer not only left a lasting impression but also earned him the prestigious Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. Among the many haunting aspects of the character, one particularly unforgettable detail is the distinctive haircut he sported throughout the film. In an interview, Bardem shared the challenges he faced in maintaining that lengthy hairstyle for the three-month duration of the shoot.
Javier Bardem’s decision to embrace the role was driven by the character’s overall appearance, including that distinctive haircut, which he viewed as a testament to the Coen brothers’ talent in crafting a captivating character and narrative. Although he held mixed opinions about the bob cut, Bardem didn’t pass up the opportunity to playfully poke fun at it during a guest appearance on Conan O’Brien’s show.
“That was the insanity of the Coen brothers. They put it on my head and I had to live with that for three months. […] I would go around New Mexico shopping, with that haircut, and everybody would get really, really, really scared!”
Conan O’Brien humorously suggested that Javier Bardem must have been relieved to return to his regular hairstyle once filming for the movie was completed.
Javier Bardem’s Accent Came In The Way
Javier Bardem initially gained recognition in Hollywood through his role in the 2000 biographical drama Before Night Falls, which earned him a Best Actor nomination at the 73rd Academy Awards. Following this success, he declined the role of Danny Witwer in Steven Spielberg’s 2002 film Minority Report.
Javier Bardem, the Oscar-winning actor, was in the early stages of his career in foreign films and was actively working on improving his accent. During an interview, he expressed his initial hesitation about delivering a “foreign-language performance” due to his accent but noted that it has significantly improved over time.
Despite his initial concerns about his accent, Javier Bardem turned down the role in Minority Report but continued to pursue his acting career. Over the decades, he has starred in numerous films, and his exceptional performance in the 2007 film No Country for Old Men earned him an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.
No Country for Old Men is available for streaming on Paramount+.
Source: YouTube