Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (also known as Hobbs & Shaw) is a spin-off film of the Fast and Furious series. The movie revolves around the characters of Lawman Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and mercenary Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), who form a forceable alliance and work together against a cyber-genetically enhanced supervillain.
It was a successful spinoff movie, which made $760 million at the box office on a $200 million budget. But do you know Jason Momoa lost an opportunity to star in this amazing action comedy spin-off? And instead of him, Dwayne Johnson’s WWE cousin took over the role.
Jason Momoa was About to Play the Role of Mateo in Hobbs & Shaw
According to MovieWeb, the character Mateo, played by Dwayne Johnson’s real-life cousin, Joe “Roman Reigns,” was supposed to go to Jason Momoa.
It makes sense, right? Because Momoa is a big, tattooed dude who looks like Anoa’i. Unfortunately, he had to pass because he was tied up with shooting and press schedule for Aquaman — which is a much bigger role than being Hobb’s brother working at a mechanic shop.
Although it worked out well for both the stars — Jason Momoa’s career has skyrocketed with Aquaman (with a box office win), and Joe “Roman Reigns” has become a Fast & Furious star.
So, now, if Anoa’i eventually makes a comeback to the big screen after some smaller roles like Mateo, it might just be in a much bigger way.
Will Jason Momoa Appear in the Future Sequel of Hobbs & Shaw?
Dwayne Johnson and Jason Momoa might not have shared the screen together, but they’ve been good friends for quite a while. Though they’ve both been in the DC Universe — The Rock as Black Adam and Momoa as Aquaman.
In a post on Instagram, the wrestler-turned-actor revealed all his brothers who appeared in Hobbs & Shaw. But when a fan asked about Jason Momoa and why he wasn’t there, Johnson replied in the comments. Here’s what he had to say about it:
“Yup me and Jason Momoa tried hard to get him in this movie to play my brother, but his schedule was too packed. Next Hobbs movie for sure.”
Currently, there are no plans for a Hobbs & Shaw sequel. But this statement by Johnson surely hints that Universal is already planning, or at least hoping, for a sequel. This Momoa/Rock team-up may become a reality if that happens.