James Gunn directed The Suicide Squad is a follow-up to 2016s David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. The movie introduces newcomers like Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Ratcatcher 2, Polka-Dot Man, and Nanaue aka King Shark (voiced by Sylvester Stallone with stand-in work by Steve Agee) to Rick Flag, Harley Quinn, and Task Force X. Among all these characters, King Shark has become a favorite in DCEU. In fact, the popularity of the anthropomorphic character can be compared to Groot’s popularity in Marvel.
King Sharks’ Footprints: How were they made?
He is the descendent of the ancient Shark God. However, he is dimwitted yet lovable in the movie. At the beginning of the movie, King Shark struggles with his hunger for “nom noms”. Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2 talks to King Shark and teaches him the difference between food and friend. And that’s how he becomes an important member of Task Force X for their mission on Corto Maltese.
The Suicide Squad recently came out on Blu-ray, 4K, and DVD formats along with digital rentals on October 26th. Coinciding with the release, James Gunn shared a behind the scenes footage on Instagram of how King Shark’s footprints were made. The video shows the props master Drew Petrotta creating the character’s footprints in Panama City where the final showdown of the movie was filmed. Check it out.
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What is offered in the home edition of The Suicide Squad?
In the home edition of The Suicide Squad features a lot of extra stuff for the fans. Fans can look forward to Gunn’s commentary, a gag reel, alternate trailer, and deleted/extended scenes. The most notable extended scene in the home edition comes from Gunn’s favorite character King Shark. The extended scene dives deep into who King Shark is. One of the scenes shows him playing with two children. Another scene shows him looking out of the bus longing to fit in the world. This was the scene James Gunn didn’t intend to cut in the movie.
With high-quality and effective CGI effects of The Suicide Squad makes the movie outstanding. King Shark is the best example. Although whether fans will get to see King Shark in any future project helmed by Gunn remains to be seen. Also, the movie shows Bloodsport killing John Cena’s Peacemaker, the post-credit scene reveals that he is alive. Peacemaker is set to appear with Vigilante (Freddie Stroma), Emilia Harcourt (Jennifer Holland), and John Economos (Steve Agee) to “save the f—ing world.”
Source: ScreenRant