Superman, the iconic superhero created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, has captivated generations with his unwavering dedication to truth, justice, and the American way. As the last son of Krypton, Superman possesses superhuman strength, flight, and the ability to shoot heat vision from his eyes. However, James Gunn might be planning to alter that with Superman: Legacy.
However, it’s the character’s unwavering moral compass and commitment to protecting the innocent that truly defines him. With his iconic “S” emblem and red cape, he remains a beloved and enduring symbol of heroism, reminding us all of the power of selflessness and standing up for what is right. But James Gunn could change a major plot point in his story.
James Gunn Says Fans Shouldn’t Expect An Origin Story
James Gunn took to his Bluesky Social account to confirm that the upcoming movie won’t delve into the character’s origin story. In a concise statement, he wrote, “I think we’ve seen his origin enough in film at this time!“
Addressing a comment on Instagram, James Gunn clarified that the upcoming film, Superman: Legacy, would not feature a young version of Clark Kent. Gunn’s response explicitly stated, “There is no Young Clark” in the movie. This divergence from previous portrayals, such as in Man of Steel, where actors like Henry Cavill, Cooper Timberline, and Dylan Sprayberry depicted Clark at different stages of his youth, suggests that Superman: Legacy will explore different facets of the character’s journey.
Gunn had previously offered a tantalizing hint about the upcoming 2025 film, indicating that it would feature Clark’s heritage prominently.
“Then a bit less than a year ago I saw a way in, in many ways centering around Superman’s heritage – how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes.”
Although he has not specified as to whether or not his origin story would be different, it is not wrong to assume that he could change certain details about the hero. Gunn is not afraid to show how raw and human his characters can be regardless of their genetic makeup. Clark Kent is one of the heroes who is the most connected to humanity and although fans are already familiar with his origin story, certain changes here and there could always make their way in.
Is James Gunn Messing With DC Characters?
Gunn’s selection as the leader of DCEU generated mixed reactions among DC Comics fans. Detractors contend that his filmmaking style, characterized by irreverence and comedy, does not align well with the company’s traditionally darker and more serious tone. Concerns are raised regarding the potential alienation of the core fan base, fearing a departure from the essence that has defined DC Comics for years.
Gunn has staunchly defended his appointment, emphasizing his status as a genuine fan of DC Comics and his unwavering commitment to honoring the characters and source material in his films. He clarified that he will not compromise or alter his distinct filmmaking style solely because he is now involved in DC Comics projects.
The response from fans regarding Gunn’s decision to modify Superman’s story is a subject of anticipation. Optimistic fans anticipate a revitalizing and innovative perspective that Gunn may bring to the beloved character. They eagerly await a fresh take that could breathe new life into Superman’s narrative. Conversely, some skeptics express concerns about the potential alienation of the character’s loyal fan base.
Source: The Direct