James Gunn is a well-known name in the superhero genre who has been a part of Marvel’s blockbuster movie Guardians of The Galaxy and DC’s The Suicide Squad. Though the first attempt wasn’t that great as the movie was a box office disappointment, Gunn made a comeback through the spin-off series of The Suicide Squad, The Peacemaker.
Also Read: 5 Things You Missed About The Suicide Squad
After DC collaborated with James Gunn, fans are wondering about the sequel of 2021’s The Suicide Squad. Director Gunn himself addressed the topic dashing fan hope regarding the sequel of the previous year’s movie.
Will We Get A Proper Sequel Of The Suicide Squad?
Also Read: James Gunn Reacts to MCU Hiring Another Major Star for Guardians of the Galaxy
In a recent interview with The Playlist, the director of the famous superhero movies Guardians of The Galaxy and The Suicide Squad shared his upcoming schedule after 2023’s Guardians of The Galaxy.
“Yeah, we’ve talked about it,… but the honest truth is, I just have so many hours in a day to work on stuff. And I had such a fun time working in television that I really think that’s what I’m going to spend the next year of my life doing.”
James Gunn Hinted About The Suicide Squad Project
Related: The Suicide Squad’s Name Had an Even Darker Meaning
The director continued by teasing that his next project might be something outside of Marvel and DC Comics. “I’m thinking about what that next movie will be… and is that next movie going to be— if first of all, it could be something completely different than [the world of DC]. And I’m excited about Mike De Luca coming in to [Warner Bros.], frankly, because I’ve known him for a long time, and I love Toby [Emmerich], but I’ve also known De Luca. He’s been a friend of mine for many, many years.”
Gunn shared that a sequel to 2021’s The Suicide Squad is not confirmed as of now which shows that his next DC project might not be a direct sequel to The Suicide Squad, “I’m not sure what I’m going to do next because it could be a movie outside of [DC], but it could be a DC movie that has to do with these characters… does that mean it’s the ‘Suicide Squad’ movie or something else that’s within that world or a little bit different than that? And that I’m not exactly sure.”