With a career spanning almost six decades, Harrison Ford has played several iconic roles on-screen. Popular for portraying Han Solo in the Star Wars franchise and Indiana Jones in the action-adventure franchise, Ford is set to join Marvel’s superhero film series, Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross. He has been filming the fourth installment in the Captain America film series, in which he stars as the President of the United States.
During his recent interview with Esquire, the Blade Runner star talked about his venture with Marvel Studios. And the 80-year-old actor has a lot to say as he shared his experience working on his first MCU film.
Harrison Ford Talks About Starring in the MCU
Hollywood star Harrison Ford has been busy with a lot of things lately. His next and potentially the last film under the Indiana Jones franchise is set to release this month, and he has also been busy filming his MCU debut with Captain America: New World Order alongside Marvel star Anthony Mackie.
Talking about his experience starring in the Marvel film, he shared, “Yeah. I mean, there are tough days and easy days and fun days and all kinds of days.” The Witness actor said that although he has fun, it’s still his work, and he has to follow a “tough schedule” to comply with it.
“It’s a tough schedule and, yeah, it’s fun. But it’s not a walk in the park. It’s not fun fun. It’s work.”
The character of Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross was earlier played by the late American actor William Hurt who starred in The Incredible Hulk and was last seen in the 2021 Marvel film Black Widow. Ford was cast as Thunderbolt Ross after Hurt passed away in March 2022.
Writers’ Strike Impact on Captain America 4?
The Writers Guild of America has been on strike for the past month, causing a halt in the production of many Hollywood projects, which also include several MCU movies and shows. While major Marvel films like Thunderbolts, Blade, and Deadpool 3, along with the upcoming Avengers movies, are expected to be impacted by the strike, it is believed that the studio has things planned out for Captain America: New World Order.
The film has been filmed in Atlanta, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio would shoot what they can for now and wait for reshoots that have already been scheduled. There are also reports that the production of Captain America: New World Order could be concluded by the end of June this year.
Captain America: New World Order is scheduled to release on 3 May 2024.
Source: Esquire