The Office is one of the most iconic sitcoms of all time. Featuring a unique concept, the show follows the everyday lives of a group of people working in the same office under a very immature and difficult boss. The show also has an incredibly impressive cast, with actors like Steve Carell, John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, and Ed Helms appearing as the main cast.
The show also has one of the biggest fan bases of all time and actors in the series find it quite hard to go out into the public without being recognized for the characters that they played.
At least this seemed to have been the case until Wilson encountered a fan who did not recognize him even though they were sitting next to each other on a five-hour flight.
Rainn Wilson Was On A Flight With A Fan Of The Office Who Did Not Recognise Him
During an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Rainn Wilson talked about the story that went viral after he posted it on his social media. The actor explained that he was once on a flight from Boston to Los Angeles. On this flight, he sat next to a man who was binge-watching episodes of The Office non-stop for the entire duration of the five-hour flight.
“I was on a flight from Boston to LA and, so it was five and a half hours, sitting next to a gentleman who for the entire flight watched episodes of The Office back to back to back to back to back and I was like ‘What do I do? Do I tell him about it? How do I interact with him? Should I even say anything?’ I had my COVID mask on so I was incognito” he said on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Surprisingly, however, this fan did not recognize that he was sitting next to Dwight Schrute himself and went on to watch the show. In the fan’s defense, however, Wilson was wearing a face mask, which made it difficult to recognize him. The actor ended up putting this on his social media, writing about the awkward moment when you are seated next to someone who has no idea who you are.
Rainn Wilson Finally Revealed His Identity
Nearing the end of the flight, Rainn Wilson decided to take matters into his own hands and reveal his identity to the fan. He, however, was not going to do this in an easy way, and like his character, chose to pull a small prank on the man. The actor decided to talk to the man, asking him if he was a fan of the series, to which he said yes. Wilson then told him that he did not like the show very much. Upon hearing this, the fan started to explain to the actor that, though the show starts off a little show, it tends to grow on its views.
“And then I kind of nudged him towards the end and then I was like ‘So, you seem to like that show a lot’ and he’s like ‘Yeah’ and I was like ‘Yeah I heard it kind of sucks.’ and hes like, ‘Well, you know it kinda starts slow in season one. You gotta get used to it. You’ll warm into it.’ and I was slowly, slowly lowering my mask. Like one of those French girls. And I was like ‘Oh? The first season is kinda slow huh?'” he added on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,“It took him like forty-seven seconds of talking to me and then all of a sudden it was one of those face melting brain explosion”
While he was explaining this, Wilson, very slowly, started to talk off his mask. In less than a minute, the fan was left completely stunned at the revelation of who he was talking to and seated next to.
Source: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon