The Conjuring is a supernatural horror film, directed by James Wan and written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes. Actors Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga starred as the paranormal investigators in the film. It was a massive box office success and widely appreciated for the story, performances, direction, and screenplay. The story deals with the paranormal activities in the newly occupied farmhouse of the Perron family. One of the real investigators, Lorraine Warren, revealed some of her scary encounters.
Lorraine Warren, a consultant on a film and a paranormal investigator, shared her insights about the disturbing event that led to the film.
Lorraine Warren reveals the real story behind the film The Conjuring
The Conjuring became one of the most successful paranormal activity-based films in the Hollywood industry. The story was based on the encounters of the couple Ed and Lorraine Warren, who were ghost hunters.
Lorrain Warren shared in an interview with USA TODAY that several incidents shown in the film were real. She recalled,
“The things that went on there were just so incredibly frightening. It still affects me to talk about it today.”
The Conjuring was based on the story of an 18th-century farmhouse in Rhode Island, where Roger and Carolyn Perron, and their five daughters allegedly experienced hauntings and were even possessed by spirits.
Andrea Perron, the oldest of the Perron girls, shared,
“The film is a beautiful tapestry with many elements of truth to it, and some moments of fiction.”
It was shown in the film that the family lived in the house for a short duration, however, the Perron family stayed in the house for a longer time. They lived in the 14-bedroom farmhouse from January 1971 until 1980.
She shared that most of the spirits in the house were harmless, but there was one called Bathsheba, who was annoyed by their presence. Perron shared,
“Whoever the spirit was, she perceived herself to be mistress of the house, and she resented the competition my mother posed, for that position.”
On being asked about the spirit invaders, who stunk of rotting flesh and arrived at 5:15 most mornings to lift their beds, Perron said,
“I hear that question almost every day. I think we were supposed to have this experience and share it with the world.”
The film was immensely appreciated and led to its sequels.
The truth behind the exorcism scene in The Conjuring
As per the film, the Warrens paid numerous visits to the haunted house in 1974 to investigate the case. However, Lorraine shared that they never tried exorcism, performed by a catholic priest.
However, during a seance, Carolyn Perron was allegedly temporarily possessed, which her daughter Andrea claimed she secretly watched. Andrea Perron recalled,
“I thought I was going to pass out. My mother began to speak a language not of this world in a voice not her own. Her chair levitated, and she was thrown across the room.”
The Conjuring was released in 2013, and the film was a commercial and critical success. The film grossed over $319 million worldwide against its $20 million budget.
Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga’s The Conjuring is available for streaming on Max.
Also read- The Conjuring The Devil Made Me Do It: Middle of the Road Entry in Conjuring Universe
Source- USA Today