Sarah Michelle Gellar played Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a show that revolves around the young Buffy who tries to live a normal life while fulfilling her destiny as a hunter of Vampires and demons. The show became extremely popular and shot young actress Sarah Michelle Gellar to fame, it ran for seven seasons and 144 episodes between 1997 and 2003.
No one knows the power of woman-led shows as Gellar, whose career kickstarted with her leading a show in 1997 when women-led projects were not taken seriously. Recently she spoke about some disturbing practices of Hollywood. Gellar talked in particular about Marvel and superhero projects.
Sarah Michelle Gellar criticizes Marvel movies for their lack of female-led projects
But Gellar has observed a trend recently, mainly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Gellar called it “extremely backwards” since female-led Marvel projects frequently face scrutiny while male-led Marvel initiatives do not.
“Genre is where women can really succeed and hold an audience. Every time a Marvel movie tries to do a female cast, it just gets torn apart… Unfortunately, audiences weren’t as accepting. There’s still this mentality of ‘the male superhero,’ this very backwards way of thinking.”
Gellar may be alluding to the fact that female-led Marvel films like Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel received negative reviews on sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes before they were even aired. Because these productions featured female superheroes in prominent positions, trolls deluged these websites with critical comments.
Sarah Michelle Gellar made a comeback on TV with Wolf Pack
Gellar has made a comeback to genre television 20 years after “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” ended with a major role in the Paramount+ spooky series Wolf Pack. The show is about four teen Wolves, Everett (Armani Jackson) and Blake (Bella Shepard) are turned into Wolves once bitten by something. They eventually meet a pair of siblings, Harlan (Tyler Lawrence Grey) and Luna (Chloe Rose Robinson), who also turned into wolves after the same incident. In an interview with Den of Greek the actress spoke about her role in Wolf Pack.
“It’s really hard when you’ve done something like ‘Buffy. Because it’s not that I’ve avoided genre, it’s just that I can’t top that. So it has to be either something that’s so different or equally good [as ‘Buffy], or all of those things have to sort of come together. I love genre, but it has to fit.”
Despite having a color-by-numbers origin narrative that feels like a clumsy prologue, the pilot of Wolf Pack amusing enough. It’s undoubtedly more bloody and flashy than anticipated, especially during the wildfire scenario where drivers are repeatedly tramped on and gored by various animals.
The frequency and intensity of the profanity suggest that there is an intentional attempt to exploit the streaming platform’s lax content rules. That’s standard practice for teen dramas in the post-Euphoria age, but Wolf Pack comes out as particularly desperate in its attempts to appeal to its intended audience’s sense of edge. The CGI work is not even standard as is sometimes the case with effect-heavy productions with basic-cable budgets, the CGI is uneven and frequently shoddy.
Wolf Pack is streaming on Paramount+
Source: Insider