Orphan, released in 2009 was a mind-bending thriller with a plot twist that made people lose their minds. As the prequel to the hit movie Orphan: First Kill (2022) is currently out there making success, Isabelle Fuhrman, the actress playing Esther, reveals plans for Orphan 3 have already begun.
Orphan 3 is likely to happen if the script is good
This goes without saying, but a good film needs a better script especially when we talk about sequels or prequels. Many great franchises have dipped to low ratings due to boring/repetitive themes or stories (*cough* Jurassic Park *cough*). But this wasn’t the case for Orphan: First Kill (2022).
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Scoring an average of 6.1/10 on IMDB and a rotten tomato score of 70%, the movie has almost the same score as its predecessor. In an interview with Variety, here’s what the actor had to say regarding the possibilities of expanding the franchise.
“I don’t know. I do know that Alex Mace (the producer) has already talked to me about doing a third one. And if the script is good, and people love this one, why not? I would love to do that. I don’t think we’re gonna have to wait 13 years because I don’t think it’s gonna be possible in 13 years. When you’re in your 20s you can still look like younger if you get on a little stool chair, or have children play you from multiple angles. But I would love the opportunity if it came up. I wouldn’t say no.”
The response of the actor was in answer to the question of whether we (the audience) would have to wait 13 years for Orphan 3 to release.
When Isabelle Fuhrman’s Orphan became a true story
Following an episode of Dr. Phil in 2019, the actress received tons of messages from fans and family alike. The episode featured Natalia Grace, a Ukrainian refugee getting adopted by the Barnett family and later being disowned by them following allegations of being an adult sociopath disguised as a child.
The episode follows a close resemblance to Isabelle Fuhrman’s Orphan (2009) in which she was proved to be an adult sociopath in a child’s disguise. Orphan: First Kill (2022) is acting as a prequel to the first film and was released on 19th August 2022 in theaters worldwide.
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