The first season of the animated superhero series was released in 2021. Created by Robert Kirkman, the series was met with truckloads of positive reviews from fans and critics alike. Whether Mark Grayson/Invincible struggled to find his superhero persona or his battle with his father, Omni-Man, Invincible season one had more entertainment and action than a superhero-loving fan could ask for.
However, fans’ interest in the show might be deteriorating bit by bit given the fact that the second season is taking way too long. But worry not as Robert Kirkman’s update on the season is enough to revive the interest. According to the creator, an insane villain will be making his way to Invincible season two.
Also Read: Invincible Season 2: 6 New Villains We Want To See
Invincible Season 2 Will be Introducing a Comic Book Villain
Invincible needs to spend a lot of time training as he will be facing one of the most powerful and dangerous threats in the comic book world – Angstrom Levy. Talking to Inverse, Robert Kirkman opened up about the part Angstrom will play in the upcoming season of the animated series. With the villain in the picture, Invincible will have its own multiverse in the picture.
“Some large or small aspect of Season 2 focuses on the Angstrom Levy character. He’ll be a new villain that comes into the series. And if you’ve read the comics, you’re aware of who he is and what his deal is. He’s a villain that has access to multiple dimensions, and so it’s another one of those dang multiverse things.”
Of course, Angstrom’s story will not be exactly the same as it is in the comic books. Instead, Kirkman has added his own unique flavor to it.
“We do things in a different way [than the comics], so there’s a little bit of a unique flavor to what we’re doing.”
Thanks to the pandemic and the fact that animation takes a long time to complete, Invincible season two had fans waiting for a long, long time. But now, it looks like the wait is going to be well worth it!
Who is Angstrom Levy?
Angstrom Levy is the secondary antagonist of the Invincible comic books. He possesses the ability to travel through multiple dimensions and often receives the help of his variants when it comes to battling it out with his rivals. This gives him an undeniable advantage and makes him one of the most dangerous supervillains out there.
Since Angstrom can meddle with dimensions, he always has all the information needed about his opponents, including Mark Grayson. Apart from dimensional travel, the supervillain also possesses enhanced strength, durability, and intellect.
It goes without saying that Angstrom’s involvement will make the second season even darker than what we saw in the first. Mark needs to watch out as Angstrom is all set to make his life a living hell.
Invincible season 2 will release on Prime Video sometime in late 2023.
Source: Inverse