Ever since the departure of Henry Cavill from the DCU, talks of Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot leaving the cinematic universe were also abound on the Internet. The rumors garnered some attention when Patty Jenkins, the director of the previous two Wonder Woman movies walked off the sets of the third part.
This meant that Gal Gadot’s future in the DCU was already in trouble since the two had become friends over the years. According to the latest information revealed, a deep fake was used for Shazam! Fury of the Gods since the Death on the Nile actress wasn’t able to make it in the movie which made the people feel betrayed.
Gal Gadot Was Never There in Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Prior to the alleged betrayal, the trailer for Shazam! Fury of the Gods showcased some powerful scenes which left the fans mesmerized. The trailer also hinted at the possibility of the appearance of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman to further connect the DCU.
Fans were disheartened to know that the Red Notice actor was actually not a part of the movie. According to reports on Twitter, Taylor Cahill was used instead with the face of Gal Gadot to be superimposed on her body using deep fake technology. People took to Twitter to showcase their anger over the matter since director David F. Sandberg seemed to tell a different tale.
To this tweet, here’s what David F. Sandberg replied to add a little confusion to the mix.
The people couldn’t keep calm of course as chaos ensued wherein the people tried to understand whether Gal Gadot did make a cameo or not.
Although hilarity ensued, David F. Sandberg did clarify that they used a stand-in when Gal Gadot was not able to make it to Atlanta. Also stated that the actress was there herself when the face was shown, but people weren’t convinced. After the chaos in Wonder Woman 3 and Shazam! Fury of the Gods, there is a possibility that the Israeli actress might appear in the upcoming Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
Gal Gadot Might Appear Alongside Jason Momoa in the DCU
Although it is unconfirmed, Gal Gadot might appear once again in the DCU. After her cameo in Shazam! Fury of the Gods, there are rumors that she may appear alongside Jason Momoa in the upcoming Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
As per a report by The Direct, Jake Dylan stated that the actress looked like a mermaid. This could be an alleged reference to the upcoming underwater adventure from the creative mind of James Gunn over at the DC Studios.
“Gal flew in from London that day, and she was like, ‘Are you filming the ‘Shazam‘ movie?’ She comes in very mystique; she’s like the Lady in the Water. She comes in, and she’s like splashing around like a mermaid.”
With director Patty Jenkins out of the picture and no confirmed news regarding Ben Affleck, people wait in curiosity as to what will happen in the future of the DCU.
Source: Twitter